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1,783 results

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1. Prime Orbit Theorems for expanding Thurston maps: Genericity of strong non-integrability condition.

2. The interior of randomly perturbed self-similar sets on the line.

3. The local categorical DT/PT correspondence.

4. Quantitative recurrence and the shrinking target problem for overlapping iterated function systems.

5. The prescribed Q-curvature flow for arbitrary even dimension in a critical case.

6. Almost disjoint families under determinacy.

7. A unified approach to three themes in harmonic analysis (I & II): (I) The linear Hilbert transform and maximal operator along variable curves (II) Carleson type operators in the presence of curvature.

8. Generalized double affine Hecke algebras, their representations, and higher Teichmüller theory.

9. Stability of Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities with explicit lower bounds.

10. The total Q-curvature, volume entropy and polynomial growth polyharmonic functions.

11. The sharp type Chern-Gauss-Bonnet integral and asymptotic behavior.

12. Corrigendum to "Exact essential norm of generalized Hilbert matrix operators on classical analytic function spaces" [Adv. Math. 408 (2022) 108598].

13. Framed E2 structures in Floer theory.

14. The first Szegő limit theorem on multi-dimensional torus.

15. Intermediate dimensions of Bedford–McMullen carpets with applications to Lipschitz equivalence.

16. On Iwasawa main conjectures for elliptic curves at supersingular primes: Beyond the case ap = 0.

17. Mixed graded structure on Chevalley-Eilenberg functors.

18. Möbius homogeneous hypersurfaces in [formula omitted].

19. Multidimensional polynomial patterns over finite fields: Bounds, counting estimates and Gowers norm control.

20. Cohomological varieties associated to vertex operator algebras.

21. Coefficientwise Hankel-total positivity of the row-generating polynomials for the output matrices of certain production matrices.

22. The fundamental theorem of calculus in differential rings.

23. The Shimura lift and congruences for modular forms with the eta multiplier.

24. Elliptic curves with a rational 2-torsion point ordered by conductor and the boundedness of average rank.

25. Refined canonical stable Grothendieck polynomials and their duals, Part 1.

26. Classifying subcategories of modules over Noetherian algebras.

27. Laurent polynomial mirrors for quiver flag zero loci.

28. Beurling-Fourier algebras and complexification.

29. On the maximal overgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups.

30. Characterizations of parabolic Muckenhoupt classes.

31. Mirror P=W conjecture and extended Fano/Landau-Ginzburg correspondence.

32. Infinite-time blowing-up solutions to small perturbations of the Yamabe flow.

33. Affinizations, R-matrices and reflection functors.

34. Batalin-Vilkovisky structures on moduli spaces of flat connections.

35. Perfect matching modules, dimer partition functions and cluster characters.

36. The regularity of almost all edge ideals.

37. Pluripotential theory on Teichmüller space II – Poisson integral formula.

38. Invariants for Gromov's pyramids and their applications.

39. Measurings of Hopf algebroids and morphisms in cyclic (co)homology theories.

40. Flow by powers of the Gauss curvature in space forms.

41. Automorphisms of the quantum cohomology of the Springer resolution and applications.

42. Prescribed Lp curvature problem.

43. On a smoothness characterization for good moduli spaces.

44. Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic disks: II.

45. L2-Dolbeault resolution of the lowest Hodge piece of a Hodge module.

46. t-quantized Cartan matrix and R-matrices for cuspidal modules over quiver Hecke algebras.

47. Semi-modules and crystal bases via affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties.

48. Non-simplicial quantum toric varieties.

49. Lagrangian multi-sections and their toric equivariant mirror.

50. Open Gromov-Witten invariants from the Fukaya category.