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51. A Territorial Diagnostic of the French Region Pays de la Loire Through the Prism of Energy Metabolism.

52. Diffractive production of charm quark/antiquark pairs at RHIC and LHC.

53. Associated photon and heavy quark production at high energy within kT-factorization.

54. Production of one and two cc pairs at LHC.

55. Predictions of diffractive cross sections in proton-proton collisions.

56. Diffraction dissociation at the LHC.

57. Early cosmic ray research in France.

58. Simplified modeling of liquid sodium medium with temperature and velocity gradient using real thermal-hydraulic data. Application to ultrasonic thermometry in sodium fast reactor.

59. Spin determination of heavy s-channel diphoton resonances at the LHC.

60. Results and perspectives on heavy flavour measurement with the ALICE inner tracking system in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC.

61. Investigation of the underlying event in pp collisions at the LHC with CMS.

62. Diffractive Higgs production at LHC: A case study.

63. First implications of LHCb data on models beyond the standard model.

64. High energy physics - The large and the small.

65. GUT and supersymmetry at the LHC and in dark matter.

66. Higgs boson mass and sparticle spectroscopy in Yukawa unified SUSY SO(10).

67. Muon g - 2 anomaly and 125 GeV Higgs: Extra vector-like quark and LHC prospects.

68. KT effect in the W boson associative production of the Higgs at the LHC.

69. Helicity amplitudes of di-photons production at the LHC with scalar unparticles intermediate states.

70. Contribution of a pure NCG forbidden process to the Z associated Higgs production.

71. NCG gluon fusion for the Higgs production at large hadron colliders.

72. Low-temperature neutron irradiation tests of superconducting magnet materials using reactor neutrons at KUR.

73. Steady-State heat transfer through micro-channels in pressurized He II.

74. Cryogenic studies for the proposed CERN large hadron electron collider (LHEC).

75. Hard probes of the quark gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions.

76. Searches for new physics at the Tevatron and LHC.

77. ATLAS results from the first Pb-Pb collisions.

78. Dimuon results in PbPb and pp collisions in CMS.

79. From RHIC to LHC: First lessons.

80. Soft Classification of Diffractive Interactions at the LHC.

81. Diffraction with CMS.

82. Pomeron Induced Physics At LHC Energies And Above.

83. Physics of forward jets at the Large Hadron Collider.

84. Hadron production at the LHC: Any indication of new phenomena.

85. Diffraction from HERA to the LHC.

86. Underlying Event Studies at ATLAS and CDF.

87. Combining electroweak and QCD corrections to Drell-Yan processes at hadron colliders.

88. CMS: First Results.

89. Drell-Yan production at the LHC in deconstructed Higgsless models.

90. Signals of Warped Extra Dimensions at the LHC.

91. Studies of charmed hadronic B decays with the early LHCb data and prospects for γ measurements.

92. Two-Higgs-doublet models with Minimal Flavour Violation.

93. ATLAS measurements of minimum bias and soft QCD.

94. Reconstruction and selection of Z→ττ→μ+τ-jet+ν's decays at the CMS experiment.

95. Muons in minimum bias events from the first CMS data.

96. Noncommutativity and Lorentz Violation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC.

97. Probing QCD with the ALICE detector at the LHC.

98. Potentials for J/ψ from b decays measurement in the ALICE experiment at LHC.

99. First results from the HMPID detector in the ALICE experiment at LHC.

100. ATLAS Status and First Results.