
Showing total 42 results
42 results

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1. Towards Full Forward On-Tiny-Device Learning: A Guided Search for a Randomly Initialized Neural Network.

2. Neural-Network-Based Quark–Gluon Plasma Trigger for the CBM Experiment at FAIR.

3. COVID-19 Detection from Chest X-ray Images Based on Deep Learning Techniques.

4. Cloud Detection and Tracking Based on Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks.

5. Special Issue "Algorithms in Data Classification".

6. Using Deep Learning to Detect the Need for Forest Thinning: Application to the Lungau Region, Austria.

7. Detecting Image Forgery over Social Media Using U-NET with Grasshopper Optimization.

8. Ensemble Transfer Learning for Distinguishing Cognitively Normal and Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients Using MRI.

9. Human Action Representation Learning Using an Attention-Driven Residual 3DCNN Network.

10. Nakagami-m Fading Channel Identification Using Adaptive Continuous Wavelet Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks.

11. Hierarchical Modelling for CO 2 Variation Prediction for HVAC System Operation.

12. Detection of Plausibility and Error Reasons in Finite Element Simulations with Deep Learning Networks.

13. A Deep Analysis of Brain Tumor Detection from MR Images Using Deep Learning Networks.

14. MixFormer: A Self-Attentive Convolutional Network for 3D Mesh Object Recognition.

15. Line-Level Layout Recognition of Historical Documents with Background Knowledge.

16. Transfer Learning Approach for Human Activity Recognition Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform.

17. Egyptian Hieroglyphs Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks.

18. Fourier Neural Operator for Fluid Flow in Small-Shape 2D Simulated Porous Media Dataset.

19. An Effective Atrial Fibrillation Detection from Short Single-Lead Electrocardiogram Recordings Using MCNN-BLSTM Network.

20. Vineyard Gap Detection by Convolutional Neural Networks Fed by Multi-Spectral Images.

21. Deep Learning Models for Yoga Pose Monitoring.

22. Model and Training Method of the Resilient Image Classifier Considering Faults, Concept Drift, and Adversarial Attacks.

23. Cicada Species Recognition Based on Acoustic Signals.

24. Improving the Efficiency of Oncological Diagnosis of the Breast Based on the Combined Use of Simulation Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.

25. Optical Medieval Music Recognition Using Background Knowledge.

26. Boosting Iris Recognition by Margin-Based Loss Functions.

27. Convolutional Neural Network with an Elastic Matching Mechanism for Time Series Classification.

28. An Evasion Attack against Stacked Capsule Autoencoder.

29. Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis Using a Novel Variant of a Convolutional Neural Network.

30. An Interaction-Based Convolutional Neural Network (ICNN) Toward a Better Understanding of COVID-19 X-ray Images.

31. ArCAR: A Novel Deep Learning Computer-Aided Recognition for Character-Level Arabic Text Representation and Recognition.

32. PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Based on CNN-BiLSTM and Attention Mechanism.

33. Knowledge-Driven Network for Object Detection.

34. Circle-U-Net: An Efficient Architecture for Semantic Segmentation.

35. Boundary Loss-Based 2.5D Fully Convolutional Neural Networks Approach for Segmentation: A Case Study of the Liver and Tumor on Computed Tomography.

36. Median Filter Aided CNN Based Image Denoising: An Ensemble Approach.

37. 3D Mesh Model Classification with a Capsule Network.

38. Person Re-Identification across Data Distributions Based on General Purpose DNN Object Detector.

39. Multispectral Fusion Approach for Traffic Target Detection in Bad Weather.

40. Pavement Defect Segmentation in Orthoframes with a Pipeline of Three Convolutional Neural Networks.

41. The Effect of Different Deep Network Architectures upon CNN-Based Gaze Tracking.

42. LSTM Accelerator for Convolutional Object Identification.