Comerón, F., Pasquali, A., Rodighiero, G., Stanishev, V., De Filippis, E., López Martí, B., Gálvez Ortiz, M. C., Stankov, A., Gredel, R., Comerón, F., Pasquali, A., Rodighiero, G., Stanishev, V., De Filippis, E., López Martí, B., Gálvez Ortiz, M. C., Stankov, A., and Gredel, R.
We present a near-infrared spectroscopic survey of a large area centered on the Cygnus OB2 association aimed at constraining its massive star contents. Our goal is to establish a nearly complete list of O-type members of the association, both to examine recent claims based on starcounts that suggest a richer content than previously thought, and to provide a suitable database for further studies of the entire high-mass end of one of the richest associations of the Galaxy. The target selection is based on the JHKphotometry published in the 2MASS all-sky survey. We identify 46 new early-type candidates, most of them expected to be O-type stars, plus 16 new stars with emission in Brγand often in other lines as well, characteristic of evolved massive stars undergoing intense mass loss. We also present spectra of three luminous stars with CO overtone emission, one of them having also intense H2emission and being associated with compact nebulosity. By considering our findings, those of other authors, and plausible completeness corrections, we estimate the number of O-type stars or stars having evolved from a O-type progenitor to be 90–100, slightly below, but compatible with, most recent starcounts estimates by Knödlseder (2000, A&A, 360, 539). These results support the notion that Cygnus OB2 may be considered as a young globular cluster. The lists of new members that we provide, in particular those with emission lines, should be a useful resource for future investigations of Cygnus OB2 itself, as well as of very massive stellar evolution by providing a nearby, abundant sample of stars sharing a common environment.