The article focuses on the mass whale stranding which is common in Australia and New Zealand. Topics discussed include the relation of the location of stranding with the coastal topography, the common species that were stranded, which include sperm whales, common dolphins, and pilot whales, and the shipping noises and military sonar frighten or distress whales which causes internal haemorrhaging or decompression sickness. more...
*BEACHING of whales, *STRANDING of aquatic animals, *DOLPHINS, *BEACHES
The article presents a discussion on the issue of whale strandings. It states that more than 500 whales and dolphins became stranded on Tasmania's beaches from November 2008-March 2009. According to Rosemary Gales, head of the Department of Primary Industries and Water's (DPIW) Wildlife and Marine Conservation Section, Tasmania is not only in prime, food-rich, temperate waters for a lot of whales, but it also has a lot of natural "whale traps". more...