Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiographic features of pulmonary aspergillosis as they present in AIDS patients; in particular, to determine similarities and differences between Aspergillus infection in patients with AIDS vs those without AIDS., Subjects and Methods: Six new cases of confirmed or probable pulmonary aspergillosis were discovered during a search of hospital records. These are reviewed with 30 previously reported cases with special attention to radiographic appearance of disease and how radiographic appearance influences clinical outcome., Results: Symptoms of pulmonary aspergillosis in AIDS were nonspecific, most often including fever, cough, and dyspnea, and less commonly, chest pain or hemoptysis. Major risk factors for the development of pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with AIDS were steroid administration and neutropenia. Neutropenia was often a complication of therapies for AIDS, in particular, ganciclovir and zidovudine. Radiographic appearance of disease could be divided into three general categories. One third of the patients (13/36) presented with cavitary upper lobe disease resembling noninvasive or chronic necrotizing aspergillosis. Fatal hemoptysis occurred in 42 percent of patients with this form of disease. Twenty-two percent (8/36) of the cases presented as a nondescript focal alveolar opacity similar to invasive aspergillosis. In several patients, the focal infiltrate remained stable for several months, a feature that is unusual for aspergillosis in non-AIDS patients. The air crescent sign was present in none of the 36 reported cases. Patients with only focal disease had the best prognosis of patients with pulmonary aspergillosis. Bilateral alveolar or interstitial disease similar to invasive aspergillosis was present in 23 percent (9/36) of the patients. Bilateral disease appears to be a marker for disseminated infection and was associated with a high mortality due to aspergillosis. Two new forms of bronchial aspergillosis (5/36 cases) have been described previously. These patients presented with either obstructing fungal casts or bronchial pseudomembranes demonstrated bronchoscopically. In some patients with the bronchial forms of aspergillosis, transient alveolar opacities were seen on chest radiographs. These opacities may represent regions of atelectasis due to airway obstruction. One patient who had bilateral pneumothoraces without parenchymal opacities did not correspond to any of the three previously mentioned categories. Mortality due to aspergillosis was greater than 50 percent among AIDS patients. Death was subsequent to fatal hemoptysis or widespread pulmonary or systemic infection., Conclusion: Unlike other risk groups that tend to contract only one form of pulmonary aspergillosis, AIDS patients can develop the whole spectrum of aspergillosis-related pulmonary disorders, including chronic cavitary, invasive, and bronchial forms of aspergillosis. Clinical symptoms are nonspecific and major risk factors include neutropenia, which is often a side effect of various therapies for AIDS, and steroid administration. Patients with the chronic cavitary form of disease have an unusually high mortality due to fatal hemoptysis. Patients with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and aspergillosis have a high mortality due to disseminated infection.