
Showing total 165 results
165 results

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1. Cycles in the de Rham cohomology of abelian varieties over number fields.

2. On categories ${\mathcal{O}}$ for quantized symplectic resolutions.

3. Corrigendum: Analytic representation theory of Lie groups: general theory and analytic globalizations of Harish-Chandra modules.

4. Constraints on the cohomological correspondence associated to a self map.

5. Arc-smooth functions on closed sets.

6. Spinor groups with good reduction.

7. On a purely inseparable analogue of the Abhyankar conjecture for affine curves.

8. Parabolic induction and restriction via $C^{\ast }$-algebras and Hilbert $C^{\ast }$-modules.

9. Averages and moments associated to class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields.

10. Classification of finite-dimensional irreducible modules over $\def \xmlpi #1{}\def \mathsfbi #1{\boldsymbol {\mathsf {#1}}}\let \le =\leqslant \let \leq =\leqslant \let \ge =\geqslant \let \geq =\geqslant \def \Pr {\mathit {Pr}}\def \Fr {\mathit ...

11. Shifted generic cohomology.

12. Generalized ‘second Ritt theorem’ and explicit solution of the polynomial moment problem.

13. Vinogradov’s three primes theorem with almost twin primes.

14. On the contact mapping class group of Legendrian circle bundles.

16. Refined global Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture for Fourier–Jacobi periods on symplectic groups.

17. Covers in p-adic analytic geometry and log covers II: cospecialization of the (p′)-tempered fundamental group in higher dimensions.

18. A remark on fullness of some group measure space von Neumann algebras.

19. The affine Grassmannian and the Springer resolution in positive characteristic.

20. Modular embeddings of Teichmüller curves.

21. On a lifting problem of L-packets.

22. Shintani descent for algebraic groups and almost characters of unipotent groups.

23. Cohomological Hall algebra of a symmetric quiver.

24. A lower bound on the waist of unit spheres of uniformly convex normed spaces.

25. ℤ[1/p]-motivic resolution of singularities.

26. On two examples by Iyama and Yoshino.

27. Unitary dual of GL(n) at archimedean places and global Jacquet–Langlands correspondence.

28. The algebra of cell-zeta values.

29. On the potential automorphy of certain odd-dimensional Galois representations.

30. Regular and residual Eisenstein series and the automorphic cohomology of Sp(2, 2).

31. Stark units and the main conjectures for totally real fields.

32. Towards an enumerative geometry of the moduli space of twisted curves and rth roots.

33. Hochschild cohomology, the characteristic morphism and derived deformations.

34. Deformation of finite morphisms and smoothing of ropes.

35. Bessel convolutions on matrix cones.

36. Variétés faiblement spéciales à courbes entières dégénérées.

37. The isotriviality of smooth families of canonically polarized manifolds over a special quasi-projective base.

38. Double affine Hecke algebras and generalized Jones polynomials.

39. A finiteness theorem on symplectic singularities.

40. Real-dihedral harmonic Maass forms and CM-values of Hilbert modular functions.

41. On the Oort conjecture for Shimura varieties of unitary and orthogonal types.

42. Strict supports of canonical measures and applications to the geometric Bogomolov conjecture.

43. The Chowla–Selberg formula for abelian CM fields and Faltings heights.

44. Quantum groups via cyclic quiver varieties I.

45. Cusp forms on the exceptional group of type $E_{7}$.

46. Geometry of shrinking Ricci solitons.

47. Identities for field extensions generalizing the Ohno–Nakagawa relations.

48. Hilbert series of residual intersections.

49. Simultaneous deformations and Poisson geometry.

50. On the derived category of Grassmannians in arbitrary characteristic.