Polymer films have been prepared using four tablet binders, lactose, sodium lauryl sulphate and polyethylene glycol 600 have been used as inclusions in the films. The films have been tested to failure in tension and stress/strain diagrams have been prepared for each system examined. Granules and compacts have been prepared using the polymers as binders with, and without, the inclusions. The substrate for the granules was sand to eliminate the effects of solubility. Granules have been examined for size, friability and strength; compacts have been made when possible and tested for strength. The strength of bonds, between glass plates, has been measured using a butt-joint test.The inclusions resulted in a reduction of the ultimate tensile strength of all the binder films. PEG 600 had little plasticising effect, sodium lauryl sulphate and lactose both made some films of PVP and Starch too brittle to test. Effects on bond strengths varied with film/inclusion combination.The inclusions weakened the granules but had little effect on friability. Compact strengths were reduced by the inclusions except for lactose combined with either gelatin or starch.