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1. FY‐4A/AGRI Infrared Brightness Temperature Estimation of Precipitation Based on Multi‐Model Ensemble Learning.

2. AttUnet_R_SFT: A Novel Network to Explore the Application of Complex Terrain Information in Satellite Precipitation Estimating.

3. Reconstructing and Nowcasting the Rainfall Field by a CML Network.

4. Improvement Analysis of a Height‐Deviation Compensation‐Based Linear Interpolation Method for Multi‐Station Regional Troposphere.

5. Deep Learning for Daily 2‐m Temperature Downscaling.

6. An Appraisal of CFOSAT Wave Spectrometer Products in the South China Sea.

7. Imaging Considerations From a Geostationary Orbit Using the Short Wavelength Side of the Mid‐Infrared Water Vapor Absorption Band.

8. A Comparison of Different Station Data on Revealing the Characteristics of Extreme Hourly Precipitation Over Complex Terrain: The Case of Zhejiang, China.

9. Emission of Rn and CO2 From Soil at Fault Zones Caused by Seismic Waves.

10. The Wulanmoren Accretionary Complex Unravels Early Devonian to Late Triassic Multiple‐Arc Amalgamation in the Tianshan Orogen (NW China).

11. Changes in Runoff Volumes of Inland Terminal Lake: A Case Study of Lake Daihai.

12. Regional Forecasting of Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations: A Novel Hybrid Model Based on Principal Component Regression and EOF.

13. Characterization of the Candidate Landing Region for Tianwen‐1—China's First Mission to Mars.

14. A Nationwide Analysis of Water Scarcity and Cloud Seeding Demand Levels From Analyzing Water Utilization Data, Agricultural Drought Maps, and Local Conditions in China Mainland.

15. Classification of Ice Crystal Habits Observed From Airborne Cloud Particle Imager by Deep Transfer Learning.

16. Ecological Response to Climate Change Across China From Combined Soil Temperature and Moisture Changes.

17. Bias Adjustment of Long‐Term (1961–2020) Daily Precipitation for China.

18. Martian Dust Storm Spatial‐Temporal Analysis of Tentative Landing Areas for China's Tianwen‐3 Mars Mission.

19. Evaluation of Chinese Scatterometer Ocean Surface Wind Data: Preliminary Analysis.

20. Improving GNSS PPP Performance in the South China Under Different Weather Conditions by Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model‐Derived Wet Delay Corrections.

21. Evaluating the Dust Storm Probability in Isidis‐Elysium Planitia, a Tentative Landing Area of China's First Mars Mission (Tianwen‐1).

22. Prediction of Terrestrial Heat Flow in Songliao Basin Based on Deep Neural Network.

23. Deep Learning for Seasonal Prediction of Summer Precipitation Levels in Eastern China.

24. Reconstruction of Near‐Surface Hourly Wind Speed Data Sets During the Period 1959–2021 Over China.

25. Climatology of Large Peak Current Cloud‐to‐Ground Lightning Flashes in China's Most Populous Areas.

26. Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Tungsten Polymetallic Deposits Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Comparison of Their Performance in the Gannan Region, China.

27. Changes in Temperature‐Precipitation Compound Extreme Events in China During the Past 119 Years.

28. Changes in Tropical Cyclone Disasters Over China During 2001–2020.

29. An Unusually Warm Upper‐Crust in the Late Paleozoic North China Continental Arc: Implications for the Thermal Modification of the Giant Bayan Obo REE Deposit.

30. A Hydrochemical Study of Groundwater Salinization in Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi, Southern China.

31. Causality‐Based Deep Learning Forecast of the Kuroshio Volume Transport in the East China Sea.

32. In‐Flight Calibration of Near‐Infrared Reflectance Spectra Measured by the Zhurong Mars Rover.

33. Historical and Projected Changes in Temperature Extremes Over China and the Inconsistency Between Multimodel Ensembles and Individual Models From CMIP5 and CMIP6.

34. Complex Crustal Deformation Beneath the Cathaysia Block in South China: Evidence From Receiver Function Analysis.

35. Overview of the GF‐7 Laser Altimeter System Mission.

36. Craton Destruction Induced by Drastic Drops in Lithospheric Mantle Viscosity.

37. Haze Pollution in the Unstable Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over the West Bank of Taiwan Strait Induced by Regional Transport of PM2.5.

38. Radar Observed Structural Features and Evolution Mechanism of a Squall Line‐Like Rainband in a Linear Mesoscale Convective System.

39. Exploring the Impact of Landscape Ecological Risk on Water Quality in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China.

40. Role of Water Vapor Modulation From Multiple Pathways in the Occurrence of a Record‐Breaking Heavy Rainfall Event in China in 2021.

41. Evolution of Fractal Pore Structure in Sedimentary Rocks.

42. Future Projection of Solar Energy Over China Based on Multi‐Regional Climate Model Simulations.

43. Characteristics and Preliminary Causes of Extremely Persistent Heavy Rainfall Generated by Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Over China.

44. Late Paleozoic Southward Migration of the Dananhu Arc in the Eastern Tianshan (NW China).

45. Microphysics of Summer Precipitation Over Yangtze‐Huai River Valley Region in China Revealed by GPM DPR Observation.

46. Development and Assessment of an ALLSSA‐Based Atmospheric Weighted Mean Temperature Model With High Time Resolution for GNSS Precipitable Water Retrieval.

47. Detecting and Evaluating Dust‐Events in North China With Ground Air Quality Data.

48. Assessments and Corrections of GLDAS2.0 Forcing Data in Four Large Transboundary Rivers in the Tibetan Plateau and Northeast China.

49. The Spatial Characteristics of Hourly Rainfall Induced by Tropical Cyclones Along the South China Coast.

50. Intelligent Recognition of Ore‐Forming Anomalies Based on Multisource Data Fusion: A Case Study of the Daqiao Mining Area, Gansu Province, China.