Sophien Kamoun, Lida Derevnina, Toshiyuki Sakai, Hiroaki Adachi, Adeline Harant, Tolga O. Bozkurt, Abbas Maqbool, Eleonora Moratto, Cian Duggan, Mauricio P Contreras, Chih-Hang Wu, Joe Win, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
The molecular codes underpinning the functions of plant NLR immune receptors are poorly understood. We used in vitro Mu transposition to generate a random truncation library and identify the minimal functional region of NLRs. We applied this method to NRC4—a helper NLR that functions with multiple sensor NLRs within a Solanaceae receptor network. This revealed that the NRC4 N-terminal 29 amino acids are sufficient to induce hypersensitive cell death. This region is defined by the consensus MADAxVSFxVxKLxxLLxxEx (MADA motif) that is conserved at the N-termini of NRC family proteins and ~20% of coiled-coil (CC)-type plant NLRs. The MADA motif matches the N-terminal α1 helix of Arabidopsis NLR protein ZAR1, which undergoes a conformational switch during resistosome activation. Immunoassays revealed that the MADA motif is functionally conserved across NLRs from distantly related plant species. NRC-dependent sensor NLRs lack MADA sequences indicating that this motif has degenerated in sensor NLRs over evolutionary time., eLife digest Just like humans, plants get sick. They can be infected by parasites as diverse as fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematode worms and insects. But, also like humans, plants have an immune system that helps them defend against disease. Their first line of defence are disease resistance genes. Many of these genes encode so-called immune receptors, which are proteins that detect parasites and kick-off the immune response. Plant genomes may encode anywhere between 50 and 1000 immune receptors; some of which work solo as singletons, while others operate in pairs or as complex networks. Understanding how immune receptor genes have evolved would give fundamental knowledge about how they work, which in turn would set the stage for researchers to be able to use them to protect agricultural crops from disease. One driving force behind the evolution of many genes is gene duplication. Genes duplicate and afterwards the two copies can evolve in different ways. The original immune receptors are multi-tasking proteins that both detect parasites and trigger the immune response. Yet, following gene duplication, evolution has led to some immune receptors becoming dedicated to detection and losing the ability to trigger a defence response on their own. Now, Adachi et al. have discovered a molecular signature – named the MADA motif – that defines the subset of immune receptors that can trigger the immune response in plants. This motif is made of just 21 amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) at one end of the receptor and, remarkably, a short fragment of the protein containing this motif is enough to trigger a defence response when produced in plants. In contrast, the immune receptors that have specialized to only detect parasites have lost this molecular signature throughout evolution, presumably because they do not need it as they rely on their receptor partners to trigger defences instead. Every year, billions of dollars’ worth of food is lost to plant diseases. These new findings will enable the research community to classify disease resistance genes into categories to help deduce the network architecture of the plant immune system. A better understanding of this, and how networks of plant immune receptor evolve, should set the stage for breeding crop plants that are more able to resist diseases.