Amyloids are protein fibrils with a highly ordered spatial structure called cross-β. To date, amyloids were shown to be implicated in a wide range of biological processes, both pathogenic and functional. In bacteria, functional amyloids are involved in forming biofilms, storing toxins, overcoming the surface tension, and other functions. Rhizobiales represent an economically important group of Alphaproteobacteria , various species of which are not only capable of fixing nitrogen in the symbiosis with leguminous plants but also act as the causative agents of infectious diseases in animals and plants. Here, we implemented bioinformatic screening for potentially amyloidogenic proteins in the proteomes of more than 80 species belonging to the order Rhizobiales . Using SARP ( S equence A nalysis based on the R anking of P robabilities) and Waltz bioinformatic algorithms, we identified the biological processes, where potentially amyloidogenic proteins are overrepresented. We detected protein domains and regions associated with amyloidogenic sequences in the proteomes of various Rhizobiales species. We demonstrated that amyloidogenic regions tend to occur in the membrane or extracellular proteins, many of which are involved in pathogenesis-related processes, including adhesion, assembly of flagellum, and transport of siderophores and lipopolysaccharides, and contain domains typical of the virulence factors (hemolysin, RTX, YadA, LptD); some of them (rhizobiocins, LptD) are also related to symbiosis.