Part II of this orbital tumor survey reviews orbital neurogenic tumors, idiopathic orbital inflammation, lacrimal gland tumors, lymphomas, rhabdomyosarcoma, granulocytic sarcoma, histiocytic tumors, secondary tumors and metastatic tumors. In the recent years, there has been a trend toward treating optic nerve sheath meningiomas with stereotactic radiotherapy at initial diagnosis. For optic gliomas demonstrating growth and aggressive behavior, BRAF inhibitors were tried but the initial results are disappointing. With regard to inflammatory orbital processes, IgG4 was found to have a causal role in certain types of idiopathic orbital inflammation and chronic inflammation of systemic sites. For lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinomas, recent evidence suggests that neoadjuvant cytoreductive chemotherapy decreases local tumor recurrence and improves survival. Finally, for periocular basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas demonstrating orbital invasion, targeted biologic treatment with vismodegib and cetuximab, respectively, has yielded promising results in patients who are not good candidates for extensive surgery. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]