1. Population genetic structure and genetic diversity of soybean aphid collections from the USA, South Korea, and Japan
- Author
Jun, Tae-Hwan, Michel, Andrew P., Wenger, Jacob A., Kang, Sung-Taeg, and Mian, M.A. Rouf
- Subjects
Distribution ,Physiological aspects ,Research ,Genetic aspects ,Company distribution practices ,Aphids -- Physiological aspects -- Genetic aspects -- Distribution ,Biodiversity -- Research ,Population genetics -- Research ,Insect populations -- Physiological aspects -- Genetic aspects -- Distribution ,Biological diversity -- Research ,Aphididae -- Physiological aspects -- Genetic aspects -- Distribution - Abstract
Introduction Soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) is a typical heteroecious aphid species that utilizes the primary host of various buckthorn trees for overwintering and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) as [...], Following its recent invasion of North America, the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) has become the number one insect pest of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) in the north central states of the USA. A few studies have been conducted on the population genetic structure and genetic diversity of the soybean aphid and the source of its invasion in North America. Molecular markers, such as simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are very useful in the evaluation of population structure and genetic diversity. We used 18 SSR markers to assess the genetic diversity of soybean aphid collections from the USA, South Korea, and Japan. The aphids were collected from two sites in the USA (Indiana and South Dakota), two sites in South Korea (Yeonggwang district and Cheonan city), and one site in Japan (Utsunomiya). The SSR markers were highly effective in differentiating among aphid collections from different countries. The level of differentiation within each population and among populations from the same country was limited, even in the case of the USA where the two collection sites were more than 1200 km apart. Key words: soybean aphid, genetic diversity, differentiation, simple sequence repeats. Suite a sa recente introduction en Amerique du Nord, le puceron du soya (Aphis glycines Matsumara) est devenu le plus important insecte ravageur chez le soya (Glycine max L. Merr.) dans les etats du centre-nord des Etats-Unis. Des etudes ont ete realisees pour caracteriser la structure de la population et la diversite genetique chez le puceron du soya et pour determiner la source de cette invasion en Amerique du Nord. Les marqueurs moleculaires, comme les microsatellites (SSR), sont tres utiles pour caracteriser la structure des populations et la diversite genetique. Les auteurs ont employe 18 marqueurs SSR pour mesurer la diversite genetique au sein de collections de pucerons du soya provenant des Etats-Unis, de la Coree du Sud et du Japon. Les pucerons ont ete preleves sur deux sites aux Etats-Unis (Indiana et Dakota du Sud), deux sites en Coree du Sud (district de Yeonggwang et ville de Cheonan) et un site au Japon (Utsunomiya). Les marqueurs SSR ont ete tres efficaces pour distinguer les collections de pucerons des differents pays. Le degre de differenciation au sein des populations et parmi celles provenant d'un meme pays etait cependant limite, meme aux Etats-Unis ou les deux sites de collecte etaient situes a plus de 1200 km l'un de l'autre. [Traduit par la Redaction] Mots-cles: puceron du soya, diversite genetique, differenciation, microsatellites.
- Published
- 2013
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