Subsequent to a preliminary report on a handful of paguroid remains from the Tithonian (uppermost Jurassic) to lower Berriasian (Lower Cretaceous) Štramberk Limestone in Moravia (eastern Czech Republic), published in 2013, several field campaigns were organised by our research team during the summers of 2012-2015 and 2018. These resulted in the recovery of additional paguroid shields (or, anterior carapaces) that form the basis of the present study. The currently available material documents a diverse paguroid fauna. In fact, it ranks amongst the most diverse fossil paguroid assemblages known, following faunas from the upper Kimmeridgian of Nusplingen (southern Germany) and the Tithonian of Ernstbrunn (northeast Austria). New representatives of five families and five genera are described, named and illustrated, as follows: Annuntidiogenes sagittula sp. nov. (Diogenidae), Protopagurus cerebellum sp. nov. and Protopagurus duopupae sp. nov. (Paguridae), Mesoparapylocheles janetjacksonae sp. nov. (Parapylochelidae), Masticacheles septemgradu sp. nov. (Pilgrimchelidae) and Ammopylocheles romankijoki sp. nov. (Pylochelidae). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]