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135 results

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1. The Tight Bound for the Strong Chromatic Indices of Claw-Free Subcubic Graphs.

2. Decomposition and Merging Algorithms for Noncrossing Forests.

3. A Note on Dominating Pair Degree Condition for Hamiltonian Cycles in Balanced Bipartite Digraphs.

4. Factorizations of Cycles and Multi-Noded Rooted Trees.

5. Neighbor Sum (Set) Distinguishing Total Choosability Via the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz.

6. Existence on Splitting-Balanced Block Designs with Resolvability.

7. A Classification of Graphs Whose Subdivision Graph is Locally Distance Transitive.

8. Arc-Transitive Pentavalent Graphs of Square-Free Order.

9. Clique-Perfectness of Claw-Free Planar Graphs.

10. Doubly Resolvable H Designs.

11. A Description of the Resonance Variety of a Line Combinatorics via Combinatorial Pencils.

12. On Substructure Densities of Hypergraphs.

13. Hadwiger Number and the Cartesian Product of Graphs.

14. On the Crossing Number of K m □ P n .

15. Even 2 × 2 Submatrices of a Random Zero-One Matrix.

16. Combinatorics and Algorithms for Augmenting Graphs.

17. A New Zero-divisor Graph Contradicting Beck's Conjecture, and the Classification for a Family of Polynomial Quotients.

18. The Total Chromatic Number of Complete Multipartite Graphs with Low Deficiency.

19. Difference Systems of Sets with Size 2.

20. Existence of Yang Hui Type Magic Squares.

21. On Locally Gabriel Geometric Graphs.

22. Edge Colorings of the Direct Product of Two Graphs.

23. An Extension of the Chvátal-Erdős Theorem: Counting the Number of Maximum Independent Sets.

24. Path Coverings with Prescribed Ends in Faulty Hypercubes.

25. Global Roman Domination in Trees.

26. The Chromatic Index of a Claw-Free Graph Whose Core has Maximum Degree $$2$$.

27. List Edge Coloring of Planar Graphs Without Non-Induced 6-Cycles.

28. Extremal Bicyclic 3-Chromatic Graphs.

29. On the Number of Edges in a Minimum $$C_6$$ -Saturated Graph.

30. An Extension of Richardson's Theorem in m-Colored Digraphs.

31. Isoperimetric Enclosures.

32. The Number of Out-Pancyclic Vertices in a Strong Tournament.

33. A Class of Bipartite 2-Path-Transitive Graphs.

34. Witness Rectangle Graphs.

35. The Chromatic Index of a Graph Whose Core is a Cycle of Order at Most 13.

36. A Degree Sequence Variant of Graph Ramsey Numbers.

37. A Note on Cyclic Connectivity and Matching Properties of Regular Graphs.

38. Closure and Spanning k-Trees.

39. Size-Maximal Symmetric Difference-Free Families of Subsets of [ n].

40. On Spanning Disjoint Paths in Line Graphs.

41. A Note on Heterochromatic C in Edge-Colored Triangle-Free Graphs.

42. Partitioning a Graph into Global Powerful k-Alliances.

43. On Half-Way AZ-Style Identities.

44. Linear and 2-Frugal Choosability of Graphs of Small Maximum Average Degree.

45. On the Perfect Matchings of Near Regular Graphs.

46. On the Roman Bondage Number of Planar Graphs.

47. Characterizations of Bent and Almost Bent Function on $${\mathbb{Z}_p^2}$$.

48. Pairs of Chromatically Equivalent Graphs.

49. A Simple Linear-Time Recognition Algorithm for Weakly Quasi-Threshold Graphs.

50. On the Range of Possible Integrities of Graphs G( n, k).