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78 results

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1. The Turán number of directed paths and oriented cycles.

2. An Improved Upper Bound on the Independent Domination Number in Cubic Graphs of Girth at Least Six.

3. Point Partition Numbers: Perfect Graphs.

4. Domination and Outer Connected Domination in Maximal Outerplanar Graphs.

5. On Tree-Connectivity and Path-Connectivity of Graphs.

6. Spanning Bipartite Graphs with Large Degree Sum in Graphs of Odd Order.

7. Affine Planes and Transversals in 3-Uniform Linear Hypergraphs.

8. Independent Domination in Bipartite Cubic Graphs.

9. Richardson's theorem in quasi-transitive and pre-transitive digraphs.

10. Degree Sequence Conditions for Maximally Edge-Connected and Super Edge-Connected Hypergraphs.

11. The Local Structure of Claw-Free Graphs Without Induced Generalized Bulls.

12. Berge's Conjecture and Aharoni–Hartman–Hoffman's Conjecture for Locally In-Semicomplete Digraphs.

13. Claw Conditions for Heavy Cycles in Weighted Graphs.

14. T-neighbor Systems and Travel Groupoids on a Graph.

15. Circuits in Suborbital Graphs for The Normalizer.

16. On a Lower Bound for the Laplacian Eigenvalues of a Graph.

17. The First Cheeger Constant of a Simplex.

18. On the Neighbour Sum Distinguishing Index of Graphs with Bounded Maximum Average Degree.

19. The Roller-Coaster Conjecture Revisited.

20. On Alternatively Connected Edge-Transitive Graphs of Square-free Order.

21. Determining Sets, Resolving Sets, and the Exchange Property.

22. Even 2 × 2 Submatrices of a Random Zero-One Matrix.

23. Optimal Pebbling on Grids.

24. Edge-Removal and Edge-Addition in $$\alpha $$ -Domination.

25. Total Weight Choosability of Cone Graphs.

26. Solution to a Problem on Hamiltonicity of Graphs Under Ore- and Fan-Type Heavy Subgraph Conditions.

27. A Completion of the Spectrum for the Overlarge Sets of Pure Mendelsohn Triple Systems.

28. Minimum Number of Palettes in Edge Colorings.

29. On Edge Cut of Graphs Leaving Components of Order at Least Five.

30. Forbidden Induced Subgraphs for Perfect Matchings.

31. On the Chromatic Number of H-Free Graphs of Large Minimum Degree.

32. Perfect Matchings in Total Domination Critical Graphs.

33. On Roman, Global and Restrained Domination in Graphs.

34. Enumerative Properties of Rooted Circuit Maps.

35. Star-Uniform Graphs.

36. A k-Tree Containing Specified Vertices.

37. Delsarte Set Graphs with Small c2.

38. On Minimal Defining Sets of Full Designs and Self-Complementary Designs, and a New Algorithm for Finding Defining Sets of t-Designs.

39. Integer Functions on the Cycle Space and Edges of a Graph.

40. Induced Graph Packing Problems.

41. Pan- H-Linked Graphs.

42. Cycle Lengths in Hamiltonian Graphs with a Pair of Vertices Having Large Degree Sum.

43. On a Sharp Degree Sum Condition for Disjoint Chorded Cycles in Graphs.

44. The 3-Connected Graphs with Exactly k Non-Essential Edges.

45. Tricyclic Steiner Triple Systems.

46. Bipartite Divisor Graphs for Integer Subsets.

47. Decomposing Complete Equipartite Graphs into Closed Trails of Length k.

48. On Defining Sets of Full Designs with Block Size Three.

49. Packing and Covering Triangles in Planar Graphs.

50. Matching Properties in Total Domination Vertex Critical Graphs.