G. Pierno, E. Pecori, F. M. Severi, L. Stradella, Luigi Cobellis, E. De Lucia, Felice Petraglia, Cobellis, Luigi, Pecori, E, DE LUCIA, E, Pierno, G, Stradella, L, Severi, Fm, and Petraglia, F.
The aim of the present study was to determine a possible relationship between ovarian functionality and regression of ovarian enlargement according to the different categories and degree of severity of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Among a group of sterile woman (n = 111), two subgroups were studied: group A (n = 15), patients affected by severe syndrome; and group B (n = 96), patients with massive ovarian enlargement only. The protocol of ovarian stimulation was conducted in various in vitro fertilization (IVF) centers; ultrasonographic examination and hematological checks were carried out daily; patients with severe OHSS were hospitalized. In women of group A, severe symptoms disappeared in 7-11 days; in nine patients with regular cycles ovary size returned to normal in about 30-40 days, whereas in six subjects with anovulatory cycles, the resolution was recorded in about 50-60 days; serum estradiol returned to physiological levels within 20-30 days. Women of group B showed a spontaneous regression at different times: in 43 subjects that presented regular ovulatory cycles, the resolution was recorded in about 30-40 days, whereas in 36 women with anovulatory cycles before pharmacological induction, resolution occurred in 50-60 days, and in 17 cases with polycystic ovary syndrome before pharmacological ovulation, an incomplete resolution was obtained; serum estradiol levels returned to a physiological range within 20-30 days. Our results show that in patients with regular ovulatory cycles, resolution of symptoms is obtained in a shorter time than in patients with anovulatory cycles before pharmacological induction.