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1. Considering change with archaeological data: Reevaluating local variation in the role of the ~4.2k BP event in Northwest China.

2. Understanding the transport networks complex between South Asia, Southeast Asia and China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age.

3. Early rice exploitation in the lower Yangzi valley: What are we missing?

4. Timing and structure of early-Holocene climate anomalies inferred from north Chinese stalagmite records.

5. Analysis of relationship between soil erosion and lake deposition during the Holocene in Xingyun Lake, southwestern China.

6. Between China and South Asia: A Middle Asian corridor of crop dispersal and agricultural innovation in the Bronze Age.

7. Interdisciplinary study on dietary complexity in Central China during the Longshan Period (4.5–3.8 kaBP): New isotopic evidence from Wadian and Haojiatai, Henan Province.

8. Anthropocene archaeology of the Yellow River, China, 5000–2000 BP.

9. Population history and its relationship with climate change on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 10,000 years.

10. Reliability of the Artemisia /Chenopodiaceae pollen ratio in differentiating vegetation and reflecting moisture in arid and semi-arid China.

11. Investigating the interaction between Crescent Spring and groundwater in a Chinese dune-lake environment using hydraulic gradient and isotope analysis methods.

12. Holocene environmental change and Neolithic rice agriculture in the lower Yangtze region of China: A review.

13. Migration of Neolithic settlements in the Dongting Lake area of the middle Yangtze River basin, China: Lake-level and monsoon climate responses.

14. Pollen–vegetation–climate relationships in some desert and desert-steppe communities in northern China.

15. An evolutionary model for the Holocene formation of the Pearl River delta, China.

16. Landscape change and resilience theory: a palaeoenvironmental assessment from Yunnan, SW China.

17. Evidence for the early beginning (c. 9000 cal. BP) of rice domestication in China: a response.

18. A transfer-function model developed from an extensive surface-pollen data set in northern China and its potential for palaeoclimate reconstructions.

19. Environmental and cultural changes during the terminal Neolithic: Qingpu, Yangtze delta, eastern China.

20. The impact of ancient civilization on the northeastern Chinese landscape: palaeoecological evidence from the Western Liaohe River Basin, Inner Mongolia.

21. Holocene climatic and environmental changes in the arid and semi-arid areas of China: a review.

22. Modern pollen-based interpretations of mid-Holocene palaeoclimate (8500 to 3000 cal. BP) at the southern margin of the Tengger Desert, northwestern China.

23. Spectral analysis of a 1000-year stalagmite lamina-thickness record from Shihua Cavern, Beijing, China, and its climatic significance.

24. The mid-Holocene decline of the East Asian summer monsoon indicated by a lake-to-wetland transition in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.

25. Extreme paleoflood events 3200–3000 a BP in the Jingyuan–Jingtai reaches of the upper Yellow River, China.

26. History and mechanisms for the expansion of the Badain Jaran Desert, northern China, since 20 ka: Geological and luminescence chronological evidence.

27. Holocene lake level history of the Tangra Yumco lake system, southern-central Tibetan Plateau.

28. Holocene peatland initiation and carbon storage in temperate peatlands of the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.

29. The Anthropocene and the landscape of Confucius: A historical ecology of landscape changes in northern and eastern China during the middle to late-Holocene.

30. Factors controlling the past ~150-year ecological dynamics of Lake Wuliangsu in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, China.

31. Effects of human activity on erosion, sedimentation and debris flow activity – A case study of the Qionghai Lake watershed, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China.

32. Assessing the potential for cryptotephra studies in Northeastern China.

33. Indicator pollen taxa of human-induced and natural vegetation in Northern China.

34. Mid-Holocene bottleneck for central European dry grasslands: Did steppe survive the forest optimum in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic?

35. Oasis evolution processes and mechanisms in the lower reaches of Heihe River, Inner Mongolia, China since 1 ka ago.

36. Mid- to late-Holocene East Asian summer monsoon variability recorded in lacustrine sediments from Jingpo Lake, Northeastern China.

37. Climate change and fiscal balance in China over the past two millennia.

38. Archaeology of the Anthropocene in the Yellow River region, China, 8000–2000 cal. BP.

39. Diatom response to Asian monsoon variability during the Late Glacial to Holocene in a small treeline lake, SW China.

40. Chironomid-inferred environmental change over the past 1400 years in the shallow, eutrophic Taibai Lake (south-east China): Separating impacts of climate and human activity.

41. Rising waters: New geoarchaeological evidence of inundation and early agriculture from former settlement sites on the southern Yangtze Delta, China.

42. Quantitative reconstruction of mid- to late-Holocene climate in NE China from peat cellulose stable oxygen and carbon isotope records and mechanistic models.

43. Wildfire history and climatic change in the semi-arid loess tableland in the middle reaches of the Yellow River of China during the Holocene: Evidence from charcoal records.

44. Paleotemperature variability in central China during the last 13 ka recorded by a novel microbial lipid proxy in the Dajiuhu peat deposit.

45. The development of agriculture and its impact on cultural expansion during the late Neolithic in the Western Loess Plateau, China.

46. Vegetation history and dynamics in the middle reach of the Yangtze River during the last 1500 years revealed by sedimentary records from Taibai Lake, China.

47. Moisture conditions during the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, central China.

48. Application and limitations of the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae pollen ratio in arid and semi-arid China.

49. Modern pollen assemblages from cultivated rice fields and rice pollen morphology: Application to a study of ancient land use and agriculture in the Pearl River Delta, China.

50. A dramatic climatic transition at ~4000 cal. yr BP and its cultural responses in Chinese cultural domains.