Background: A Rottweiler male dog carcass (7 years) with clinical history of inappetence, pyrexia, diarrhoea and nasal discharge was received in the post mortem hall of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, LUVAS, Hisar, Haryana. The current work was aimed to study the clinical history, pathological and parasitological examination in the Rottweiler male dog carcass. Methods: After collection of the samples, laboratory work was undertaken in the laboratories of Department of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Parasitology, LUVAS, Hisar, Haryana (India) in the year 2018-2019 regarding the examination of the clinical history, pathological and parasitological investigation. Result: Necropsy revealed anaemic mucous membranes; pale conjunctiva; hydrothorax; hydroperitoneum; lungs and heart were congested, blackish discolouration of liver; fully distended gall bladder; congested along with thickened intestinal mucosa; intestinal lumen contained white nematode as well as long creamy cestodes identified as Toxocara canis and Dipylidium caninum, respectively. Histopathologically, intestine revealed presence of severe fibrino-necrotic enteritis characterized by infiltration of mono nuclear cells, degeneration and desquamation of microvilli, congested blood vessels and haemorrhages. Spleen revealed acute splenitis with presence of severe hemorrhages along with neutrophilic infiltration. Liver revealed areas of necrotic hepatitis. The case was confirmed as parasitic fibino-necrotic enteritis due to mixed infection by Toxocara canis and Dipylidium caninum. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]