SUMMARY For practical consideration, efficient and stable implementation of the promising vertical Bell Labs Layered Space-Time system is highly desirable. The original square-root algorithm (SRA), proposed by Hassibi, for the minimum mean square error detection, is composed of three stages, that is, initialization, ordering, and nulling. Unlike the original SRA whose initialization stage is not completely based on unitary transformations, the three stages of our proposed algorithm #1 are all based on unitary transformations. The average number of multiplications required by our proposed algorithm #1 is about (29∕10) M3, where both the numbers of transmit and receive antennas are equal to M. In the meantime, the average number of multiplications required by the original SRA is (17∕3) M3. In addition to the stable initialization, ordering, and nulling considered by the proposed algorithm #1, our proposed algorithm #2 considers stable detection. Our proposed algorithm #2 is completely based on Givens rotations, which is to be implemented by COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer-based hardwares. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]