Antonino Fiannaca, Vincenzo Arizza, Alfonso Urso, Massimo La Rosa, Angela Bonura, Laura La Paglia, Aiti Vizzini, Vizzini A., Bonura A., Paglia L.L., Fiannaca A., Rosa M.L., Urso A., Arizza V., Aiti Vizzini, Angela Bonura, Laura La Paglia, Antonino Fiannaca, Massimo la Rosa, Alfonso Urso, and Vincenzo Arizza
The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family of cytokines performs a multifunctional signaling, which is integrated and coordinated in a signaling network that involves other pathways, such as Wintless, Forkhead box-O (FOXO) and Hedgehog and regulates pivotal functions related to cell fate in all tissues. In the hematopoietic system, TGF-β signaling controls a wide spectrum of biological processes, from immune system homeostasis to the quiescence and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Recently an important role in post-transcription regulation has been attributed to two type of ncRNAs: microRNAs and pseudogenes. Ciona robusta, due to its philogenetic position close to vertebrates, is an excellent model to investigate mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation evolutionarily highly conserved in immune homeostasis. The combined use of NGS and bioinformatic analyses suggests that in the pharynx, the hematopoietic organ of Ciona robusta, the Tgf-β, Wnt, Hedgehog and FoxO pathways are involved in tissue homeostasis, as they are in human. Furthermore, ceRNA network interactions and 3′UTR elements analyses of Tgf-β, Wnt, Hedgehog and FoxO pathways genes suggest that different miRNAs conserved (cin-let-7d, cin-mir-92c, cin-mir-153), species-specific (cin-mir-4187, cin-mir-4011a, cin-mir-4056, cin-mir-4150, cin-mir-4189, cin-mir-4053, cin-mir-4016, cin-mir-4075), pseudogenes (ENSCING00000011392, ENSCING00000018651, ENSCING00000007698) and mRNA 3′UTR elements are involved in post-transcriptional regulation in an integrated way in C. robusta.