We report a case of secondary syphilis with various oral manifestations. A 26-year-old woman visited our hospital because of lingual pain. The patient had a red and soft verruca at the left angle of the mouth as well as three oval papules on the right side of the tongue. In addition, oral examination revealed marked swelling and redness of bilateral palatal tonsils along with opaline plaque over the palatoglossal arch and inferior surface of tongue. Moreover, multiple cervical lymphadenopathy, alopecia, and psoriasic exanthema on the planta were observed. There were no particular lesions of the vulva or inguinal lymphadenopathy. Serological examination showed the RPR test was×128, the TPHA test>2560, and the FTA-ABS test×1280. Since the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction was induced after treatment with 1000mg/day of amoxicillin for 2 weeks, the patient was treated with 2000mg/day of erythromycin for 6 weeks. Oral lesions improved after 2 weeks of treatment, and the RPR test was×64 after 3 weeks of treatment. After 4 weeks of treatment, the oral lesions almost completely resolved.