Purpose: Because of frequent radiological investigations performed in neonatal intensive care unit, a dosimetry study was carried out to assess the level of doses received by premature babies., Materials and Methods: In vivo measurements were performed and effective doses were evaluated for single radiographs. Individual cumulative doses received over the period of stay were then estimated, for each premature baby entering the intensive care unit in 2002, taking into account the number of radiographs they underwent., Results: On average, babies stayed for a week and more than one radiograph was taken per day. Results showed that, even if average doses per radiograph were relatively low (25 microSV), cumulative doses strongly depended on the length of stay, and can reach a few mSv., Conclusion: Even if doses per radiograph are in agreement with European recommendations, optimisation of doses is particularly important because premature babies are more sensitive to radiation than adults and because they usually undergo further radiological examinations in other services. On the basis of the results of this dosimetry study, the implementation of a larger study is being discussed.