David Tost, better known as Origanus (Glatz, 1558 - Frankfurt an der Oder, 1628), Professor of Greek and mathematics at the Lutheran University of Frankfurt an der Oder from 1586, was renowned in his time for his ephemerides, Ephemerides novae (Frankfurt an der Oder, 1599), for the years up to 1630, and Ephemerides Brandeburgicae (Frankfurt an der Oder, 1609), for the years up to 1655. His contribution to astronomical theory and cosmology was less important than his calculations, and it was overshadowed by the achievements of the major Copernicans of his day, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei. For this reason, his name appears only rarely in the history of astronomy. Nonetheless, his views are worthy of closer consideration, in particular those concerning the planetary system and the motion of the Earth. It should be remarked that the time when he investigated these issues was an extraordinary period in the history of astronomy: the peak of his scientific activity lies between the publication of Tycho Brahe's De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis (Uraniborg, 1588) and Nicolaus Raimarus Ursus's Fundamentum astronomicum (Strasbourg, 1588), on the one hand, and Kepler's Astronomia nova (Prague, 1609) and Galileo's Sidereus nuncius (Venice, 1610), on the other.Origanus received his education in Wroclaw (Breslau) and, beginning in 1578, at the University of Frankfurt.1 Hence, it is very likely that he was well acquainted with the Wroclaw humanist milieu attached to the Italo-Hungarian man of letters Andreas Dudith-Sbardellati, the physician Crato von Krafftheim and the mathematician Paul Wittich, all of whom occupy an acknowledged place in the history of early modern scientific culture. Several British mathematicians belonged to this sodalitas as well, notably the Englishmen Henry Savile and Robert Sidney, and the Scotsmen Duncan liddel and John Craig. The last two were both professors at Frankfurt for a period and discussed astronomy not only with Dudith and Wittich but also with Tycho.2 Hence, Origanus should be seen as a participant in the intensive German debate on post-Copernican astronomy. At this stage Frankfurt was closely tied with other Lutheran universities (Wittenberg, Leipzig, Jena, Rostock, Helmstedt) that played an important role in the first dissemination of Copernicus 's astronomy3 In addition, Origanus maintained a correspondence with the imperial mathematician Kepler. For all these reasons, his cosmological considerations are to be seen in the light of the contemporary collective work on planetary theory, cosmology and celestial physics.Origanus 's Change of Mind on Astronomical HypothesesOriganus began his computations in 1592 and had completed them by 1599 when he published his Ephemerides novae.4 He relied on Reinhold's Copernican tables, Prutenicae tabulae (Tubingen, 1551), and presented his ephemerides as a useful implementation of the works of two renowned Copernicans, Johannes Stadius and Michael Maestlin. In contrast to his forerunners, Origanus was not inclined to accept the heliocentric hypotheses as true and was merely interested in the precision of heavenly predictions. He declared it openly:The only thing that helps astronomers to deal with [celestial] motions is the exact derivation of ephemerides from the tables that the most prominent scholars in this discipline recommend. In actual fact, none are presently more correct than the Prussian.5This interpretation of the Copernican hypotheses as merely mathematical tools for astronomical prediction was endorsed by scholars belonging to the so-called 'Wittenberg school', among them Oslander, Melanchthon, Reinhold and Peucer, to mention only a few.6 Origanus thought he could employ Copernican tables for the sake of exact computations and embrace the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic cosmology at the same time. In the dedicatory epistle he referred explicitly to the motion of the Sun:Who does not see that the twofold motion of the Sun (annual and daily) produces seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall), days and nights (from which nature greatly benefits) according to its varying relation and height toward the Earth? …