This is our current research perspective on models providing insight into statistical mechanics. It is necessarily personal, emphasizing our own interest in simulation as it developed from the National Laboratories' work to the worldwide explosion of computation of today. We contrast the past and present in atomistic simulations, emphasizing those simple models that best achieve reproducibility and promote understanding. Few-body models with pair forces have led to today's "realistic" simulations with billions of atoms and molecules. Rapid advances in computer technology have led to change. Theoretical formalisms have largely been replaced by simulations incorporating ingenious algorithm development. We choose to study particularly simple, yet relevant, models directed toward understanding general principles. Simplicity remains a worthy goal, as does relevance. We discuss hard-particle virial series, melting, thermostatted oscillators with and without heat conduction, chaotic dynamics, fractals, the connection of Lyapunov spectra to thermodynamics, and finally simple linear maps. Along the way, we mention directions in which additional modeling could provide more clarity and yet more interesting developments in the future.