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1. An economic and environmental comparison between forest wood products – Uncoated woodfree paper, natural cork stoppers and particle boards.

2. Exploring the academic landscape of energy communities in Europe: A systematic literature review.

3. Environmental impact assessment of total chlorine free pulp from Eucalyptus globulus in Spain

4. Vertical perovskite solar cell envelope for the circular economy: A case study using life cycle cost analysis in Europe.

5. Comparison of ammonia emissions related to nitrogen use efficiency of livestock production in Europe.

6. Causes of Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) stagnation and enabling measures to stimulate new registrations: Characterization of public administrations and private-owned organizations.

7. The human factor: Classification of European community-based behaviour change initiatives.

8. Energy saving in wastewater treatment plants: A plant-generic cooperative decision support system.

9. A new unified approach to evaluate economic acceptance towards main green technologies using the meta-analysis.

10. Standards in green public procurement – A framework to enhance innovation.

11. Dynamic relationship between financial development, energy consumption, trade and greenhouse gas: Comparison of upper middle income countries from Asia, Europe, Africa and America.

12. Sustainability and management control. Exploring and theorizing control patterns in large European firms.

13. Environmental impact of Sagrantino and Grechetto grapes cultivation for wine and vinegar production in central Italy.

14. The effect of heterogeneity on environmental efficiency: Evidence from European industries across sectors.

15. Closing the gap between EU-wide national bioeconomy monitoring frameworks and urban circular bioeconomy development.

16. Market-based instruments and sustainable innovation:A systematic literature review and critique.

17. Barriers to the adoption and diffusion of technological innovations for climate-smart agriculture in Europe: evidence from the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Italy.

18. Policy challenges in transferring the integrated pollution Prevention and control approach to Southern Mediterranean countries: a case study.

19. Innovation-enabling policy and regime transformation towards increased energy efficiency: the case of the circulator pump industry in Europe.

20. Stakeholder perspectives on cross-border climate risks in the Brazil-Europe soy supply chain.

21. Value visualization in Product Service Systems preliminary design.

22. Carbon accounting and the construction of competence

23. Environmental effects of shipping imports from China and their economic valuation: the case of metallic valve components

24. Multi-objective strategic waste transfer station planning.

25. Evaluation of environmental sustainability of biscuits at the product and sectoral levels.

26. Cost-benefit analysis of a circular economy project: a study on a recycling system for end-of-life tyres.

27. Beyond CO2: A multi-criteria analysis of air pollution in Europe.

28. Farmers' reasons to accept bio-based fertilizers: A choice experiment in seven different European countries.

29. Waste management policies for industrial symbiosis development: case studies in European countries

30. Overcoming barriers for the adoption of Local Energy and Flexibility Markets: A user-centric and hybrid model.

31. Environmental management systems and the smaller enterprise

32. Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures.

33. Industry 4.0 as an enabler of circular economy practices: Evidence from European SMEs.

34. Food packaging and sustainability – Consumer perception vs. correlated scientific facts: A review.

35. Re-reuse of regenerated brownfields: Lessons from an Eastern European post-industrial city.

36. Inter-fuel substitution in European industry: A random utility approach on industrial heat demand.

37. Urban horticulture in retail parks: Environmental assessment of the potential implementation of rooftop greenhouses in European and South American cities.

38. The EMAS impasse: Factors influencing Italian organizations to withdraw or renew the registration.

39. A differential multi-criteria analysis for the assessment of sustainability performance of European countries: Beyond country ranking.

40. Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries.

41. Energy efficiency in small and medium enterprises: Lessons learned from 280 energy audits across Europe.

42. Reconsidering the relevance of social license pressure and government regulation for environmental performance of European SMEs.

43. The new electric SUV market under battery supply constraints: Might they increase CO2 emissions?

44. Reuse of concrete components in new construction projects: Critical review of 77 circular precedents.

45. What can be learned from practical cases of green economy? –studies from five European countries.

46. Examining eco-efficiency in the port sector via non-radial data envelopment analysis and the response based procedure for detecting unit segments.

47. The consumer footprint: Monitoring sustainable development goal 12 with process-based life cycle assessment.

48. Sustainable transitions in residential energy use: Characteristics and governance of urban-based initiatives across Europe.

49. Risk transmissions between regional green economy indices: Evidence from the US, Europe and Asia.

50. Risk transmissions between regional green economy indices: Evidence from the US, Europe and Asia.