
Showing total 8 results
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1. Homogenization and Trend Analysis of the 1958-2016 In Situ Surface Solar Radiation Records in China.

2. Pollen-Based Quantitative Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Changes in the Daihai Lake Area, Inner Mongolia, China.

3. Past to Future Drylands in China: A Multimodel Analysis Using CMIP6 Simulations.

4. Changes in Summer Precipitation Modes over Eastern China in Simulated Warm Intervals of the Last Interglacial, Mid-Holocene, and Twenty-First Century.

5. Fronts and Cyclones Associated with Changes in the Total and Extreme Precipitation over China.

6. A Dipole Mode of Spring Precipitation between Southern China and Southeast Asia Associated with the Eastern and Central Pacific Types of ENSO.

7. Detectable Anthropogenic Influence on Changes in Summer Precipitation in China.

8. A Remote-Sensing Method of Selecting Reference Stations for Evaluating Urbanization Effect on Surface Air Temperature Trends.