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1. Disentangling the Driving Mechanisms of the Tripole Mode of Summer Rainfall over Eastern China.

2. Observed Evolution of the Tropical Atmospheric Water Cycle with Sea Surface Temperature.

3. Interdecadal Change in the Intensity of Interannual Variation of Spring Precipitation over Southern China and Possible Reasons.

4. Interdecadal Seesaw of Precipitation Variability between North China and the Southwest United States.

5. The Zonal Oscillation and the Driving Mechanisms of the Extreme Western North Pacific Subtropical High and Its Impacts on East Asian Summer Precipitation.

6. Irrigation-Induced Land–Atmosphere Feedbacks and Their Impacts on Indian Summer Monsoon.

7. Systematic Climate Model Rainfall Biases over Southern Africa: Links to Moisture Circulation and Topography.

8. Atmospheric Dynamics is the Largest Source of Uncertainty in Future Winter European Rainfall.

9. The Southern African Heat Low: Structure, Seasonal and Diurnal Variability, and Climatological Trends.

10. Monsoon Planet: Bimodal Rainfall Distribution due to Barrier Structure in Pressure Fields.

11. Revisiting the Seasonal Cycle of Rainfall over Central Africa.

12. Cross-Time Scale Interactions and Rainfall Extreme Events in Southeastern South America for the Austral Summer. Part II: Predictive Skill.

13. Need for Caution in Interpreting Extreme Weather Statistics.

14. Cross-Time Scale Interactions and Rainfall Extreme Events in Southeastern South America for the Austral Summer. Part I: Potential Predictors.

15. A Nonlinear Response of Sahel Rainfall to Atlantic Warming.

16. The Relationship of Rainfall Variability in Western Equatorial Africa to the Tropical Oceans and Atmospheric Circulation. Part II: The Boreal Autumn.

17. Impacts of the Tropical Pacific/Indian Oceans on the Seasonal Cycle of the West African Monsoon.

18. The 1997–98 Summer Rainfall Season in Southern Africa. Part I: Observations.

19. Multiscale Influences on Rainfall in Northeast Australia.

20. Seasonal Tropical–Extratropical Teleconnections Originating from Tropical Rainfall Modes Independent of the Niño-3.4 Index in Northern Winters.

21. Exploring the Symmetries of Pantropical Connections between the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific Basins.

22. Effect of Large-Scale Circulation Anomalies on Summer Rainfall over the Yangtze River Basin: Tropical versus Extratropical.

23. Decadal Shift in Summer Precipitation Variability over East Asia in the Mid-2000s and Wave Propagation toward North America.

24. Comparisons between Short- and Long-Lived Break Events during the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon.

25. Modality of the Tropical Rain Belt across Models and Simulated Climates.

26. The Physical Processes Dominating the Impact of the Summer North Atlantic Oscillation on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau Summer Rainfall.

27. Calibrating Climate Change Time-Slice Projections with Estimates of Seasonal Forecast Reliability.

28. Variations of Summer Extreme and Total Precipitation over Southeast Asia and Associated Atmospheric and Oceanic Features.

29. North China Spring Rainfall and Its Linkage with SST and Atmospheric Circulation.

30. Processes and Mechanisms of Persistent Extreme Rainfall Events in the Antarctic Peninsula during Austral Summer.

31. Mechanisms of Rainfall Biases in Two CORDEX-CORE Regional Climate Models at Rainfall Peaks over Central Equatorial Africa.

32. Projected Changes in East African Rainy Seasons.

33. Changing Impact of ENSO Events on the Following Summer Rainfall in Eastern China since the 1950s.

34. Kenyan Long Rains: A Subseasonal Approach to Process-Based Diagnostics.

35. Hawaiian Regional Climate Variability during Two Types of El Niño.

36. Biases in CMIP5 Sea Surface Temperature and the Annual Cycle of East African Rainfall.

37. Influences of the East Asian Summer Rainfall on Circumglobal Teleconnection.

38. Summer Water Vapor Sources in Northeast Asia and East Siberia Revealed by a Moisture-Tracing Atmospheric Model.

39. The Decadal Reduction of Southeastern Australian Autumn Rainfall since the Early 1990s: A Response to Sea Surface Temperature Warming in the Subtropical South Pacific.

40. Diurnal Cycle of the Asian Summer Monsoon: Air Pump of the Second Kind.

41. North Atlantic Integrated Water Vapor Transport—From 850 to 2100 CE: Impacts on Western European Rainfall.

42. Revisiting the Cross-Equatorial Flows and Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Associated with the Maritime Continent.

43. Why Was the August Rainfall Pattern in the East Asia–Pacific Ocean Region in 2016 Different from That in 1998 under a Similar Preceding El Niño Background?

44. Persistent Spring Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect and the Associated Circulations over Southeastern China.

45. Implications of Improved Representation of Convection for the East Africa Water Budget Using a Convection-Permitting Model.

46. Circulation Features Associated with the Record-Breaking Rainfall over South China in June 2017.

47. A Process-Based Assessment of CMIP5 Rainfall in the Congo Basin: The September--November Rainy Season.

48. Unusual Rainfall in Southern China in Decaying August during Extreme El Niño 2015/16: Role of the Western Indian Ocean and North Tropical Atlantic SST.

49. Heavy Rainfall in Paraguay during the 2015/16 Austral Summer: Causes and Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictive Skill.

50. Interdecadal Changes in the Leading Ocean Forcing of Sahelian Rainfall Interannual Variability: Atmospheric Dynamics and Role of Multidecadal SST Background.