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1. Detection of Human Influence on Precipitation Extremes in Asia.

2. The Zonal Oscillation and the Driving Mechanisms of the Extreme Western North Pacific Subtropical High and Its Impacts on East Asian Summer Precipitation.

3. Homogenization and Trend Analysis of the 1958-2016 In Situ Surface Solar Radiation Records in China.

4. Simulation of the Intraseasonal Variations of the Indian Summer Monsoon in a Regional Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model.

5. Thermal Configuration of the Bay of Bengal-Tibetan Plateau Region and the May Precipitation Anomaly in Yunnan.

6. Regionalization of Present-Day Precipitation in the Greater Monsoon Region of Asia**.

7. The Impact of Layer Perturbation Potential Energy on the East Asian Summer Monsoon.

8. The Climatology and Interannual Variability of the East Asian Winter Monsoon in CMIP5 Models.

9. Regionalization of Present-Day Precipitation in the Greater Monsoon Region of Asia**.

10. Subseasonal Variation in ENSO-Related East Asian Rainfall Anomalies during Summer and Its Role in Weakening the Relationship between the ENSO and Summer Rainfall in Eastern China since the Late 1970s.

11. Last Glacial Maximum East Asian Monsoon: Results of PMIP Simulations.

12. Pollen-Based Quantitative Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Changes in the Daihai Lake Area, Inner Mongolia, China.

13. Interdecadal Variations of Different Types of Summer Heat Waves in Northeast China Associated with AMO and PDO.

14. Seasonal Forecast of Nonmonsoonal Winter Precipitation over the Eurasian Continent Using Machine-Learning Models.

15. An Evaluation of CMIP6 Historical Simulations of the Cold Season Teleconnection between Tropical Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures and Precipitation in Southwest Asia, the Coastal Middle East, and Northern Pakistan and India.

16. Future Changes in the Frequency of Extreme Droughts over China Based on Two Large Ensemble Simulations.

17. Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan: Seasonal Statistics and Trends.

18. Role of the Tibetan Plateau in Northern Drought Induced by Changes in the Subtropical Westerly Jet.

19. Simulation and Projection of Summer Convective Afternoon Rainfall Activities over Southeast Asia in CMIP6 Models.

20. Heavy Rain-Producing Terrestrial Low Pressure Systems over the East Asian Summer Monsoon Region: Evolution, Energetics, and Trend.

21. The Fast Response of the Atmospheric Water Cycle to Anthropogenic Black Carbon Aerosols during Summer in East Asia.

22. Nonlinear Response of Atmospheric Blocking to Early Winter Barents–Kara Seas Warming: An Idealized Model Study.

23. Comparison of the Circulation Anomalies Associated with Wet and Dry Extreme Heat in South Korea and Southern–Central Japan.

24. Decadal Change of Heavy Snowfall over Northern China in the Mid-1990s and Associated Background Circulations.

25. Changes in Extreme Precipitation Accumulations during the Warm Season over Continental China.

26. Moisture and Energy Budget Perspectives on Summer Drought in North China.

27. A Dipole Mode of Spring Precipitation between Southern China and Southeast Asia Associated with the Eastern and Central Pacific Types of ENSO.

28. Different Enhancement of the East Asian Summer Monsoon under Global Warming and Interglacial Epochs Simulated by CMIP6 Models: Role of the Subtropical High.

29. Influence of Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Intraseasonal Variability of Summer and Winter Monsoon Rainfall in the Philippines.

30. Mesoscale Convective System Precipitation Characteristics over East Asia. Part I: Regional Differences and Seasonal Variations.

31. Detectable Anthropogenic Influence on Changes in Summer Precipitation in China.

32. Summer Water Vapor Sources in Northeast Asia and East Siberia Revealed by a Moisture-Tracing Atmospheric Model.

33. Reexamining the Mechanisms of East Asian Summer Monsoon Changes in Response to Non–East Asian Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing.

34. The Impact of the 20–50-Day Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillation on the Gross Primary Productivity between the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

35. Dynamically Downscaled Climate Change Projections for the South Asian Monsoon: Mean and Extreme Precipitation Changes and Physics Parameterization Impacts.

36. Decadal Changes in the Interannual Variability of Heat Waves in East Asia Caused by Atmospheric Teleconnection Changes.

37. Interaction of the Westerlies with the Tibetan Plateau in Determining the Mei-Yu Termination.

38. Recent Shift in the State of the Western Pacific Subtropical High due to ENSO Change.

39. Using Observed Signals from the Arctic Stratosphere and Indian Ocean to Predict April–May Precipitation in Central China.

40. Impacts of Central Pacific El Niño on Southern China Spring Precipitation Controlled by its Longitudinal Position.

41. Migratory Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea Modulated by Intraseasonal Oscillations and Climatological Circulations.

42. Fast Biases in Monsoon Rainfall over Southern and Central India in the Met Office Unified Model.

43. Variability of the Cold Season Climate in Central Asia. Part II: Hydroclimatic Predictability.

44. Falling Trend of Western Disturbances in Future Climate Simulations.

45. A Study on Future Projections of Precipitation Characteristics around Japan in Early Summer Combining GPM DPR Observation and CMIP5 Large-Scale Environments.

46. Interdecadal Variation of Precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains during Rainy Seasons.

47. Increased Predictability of Spring Precipitation over Central East China around the Late 1970s.

48. Enhanced Latent Heating over the Tibetan Plateau as a Key to the Enhanced East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation under a Warming Climate.

49. Recent Surface Air Temperature Change over Mainland China Based on an Urbanization-Bias Adjusted Dataset.

50. Large-Scale Circulation Anomalies Associated with Extreme Heat in South Korea and Southern–Central Japan.