This study estimated the appropriate pollutant load reduction from point sources in Kwangyang Bay, Korea, using an eco-hydrodynamic model. The total chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen (TN), and phosphorus (TP) loads from rivers and ditches that provide input to the bay were approximately 2.8x10(4), 2.5x10(4), and 5.9x10(2) kg day-1, respectively. Wastewater discharge from industrial complexes was the greatest contributor to pollutant loads in the inner part of the bay. COD values in the inner part of the bay were greater than 3.0 mg l-1, and exceeded Korean seawater quality grade III limits. A residual current was simulated, using a hydrodynamic model, to have a slightly complicated pattern in the inner part of the bay, ranging from 0.001 to 8 cm s-1. In the outer part of the bay, the simulated current flowed out to the South Sea with a southward flow at a maximum of 15 cm s-1. The results of the ecological model simulation of COD levels showed high concentrations, exceeding 4 mg l-1, in the southwest of the Myodo, an area of wastewater discharge, and lower levels, approaching less than 1 mg l-1, closer to the outer part of the bay. Engineering countermeasures to reduce the organic and inorganic material loads from point sources by more than 45% were required to keep the COD levels below 2 mg l-1.