About ten years have passed since the last published report in Russian on the speciation and distribution features of radionuclides in the bottom sediment of Production Association (PA) "Mayak" (further mentioned as Mayak) artificial reservoirs. Herein, the desorption parameters of 137 Cs, 90 Sr, 241 Am, and 238,239+240 Pu and their association with bottom sediment components were investigated in two Mayak reservoirs (R-17 (decommissioned) and R-4 (still in use) with big differences in size, activity and water regime). It was established that 137 Cs and 90 Sr desorption from the R-17 bottom sediment reach constant values after 24 h, and the desorption degree is not dependant on pH but on ionic strength. Sequential extraction indicated that the main accumulation mechanism of 137 Cs is incorporation into the clay minerals. The maximum plutonium content was detected in the residual fraction of the R-17 bottom sediment, which could be associated with the effects of precipitation aging. In R-4, plutonium is equally distributed between residual and bound to organic matter fractions. The 241 Am is associated with carbonates in the R-17 bottom sediment and with organic matter in the R-4 bottom sediment and to lesser extent with iron-manganese oxides. The radionuclides are becoming less environmentally available with time since deposition., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)