38 results on '"Fourier algebra"'
Search Results
2. On the operator homology of the Fourier algebra and its cb-multiplier completion.
- Author
Crann, Jason and Tanko, Zsolt
- Subjects
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MULTIPLIERS (Mathematical analysis) , *FOURIER analysis , *VON Neumann algebras , *MATHEMATICAL bounds , *MATHEMATICAL equivalence - Abstract
We study various operator homological properties of the Fourier algebra A ( G ) of a locally compact group G . Establishing the converse of two results of Ruan and Xu [35] , we show that A ( G ) is relatively operator 1-projective if and only if G is IN, and that A ( G ) is relatively operator 1-flat if and only if G is inner amenable. We also exhibit the first known class of groups for which A ( G ) is not relatively operator C -flat for any C ≥ 1 . As applications of our techniques, we establish a hereditary property of inner amenability, answer an open question of Lau and Paterson [24] , and answer an open question of Anantharaman-Delaroche [1] on the equivalence of inner amenability and Property (W). In the bimodule setting, we show that relative operator 1-biflatness of A ( G ) is equivalent to the existence of a contractive approximate indicator for the diagonal G Δ in the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra B ( G × G ) , thereby establishing the converse to a result of Aristov, Runde, and Spronk [3] . We conjecture that relative 1-biflatness of A ( G ) is equivalent to the existence of a quasi-central bounded approximate identity in L 1 ( G ) , that is, G is QSIN, and verify the conjecture in many special cases. We finish with an application to the operator homology of A c b ( G ) , giving examples of weakly amenable groups for which A c b ( G ) is not operator amenable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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3. Similarity degree of Fourier algebras.
- Author
Lee, Hun Hee, Samei, Ebrahim, and Spronk, Nico
- Subjects
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TOPOLOGICAL degree , *COMPACT groups , *FOURIER analysis , *MATHEMATICAL bounds , *HOMOMORPHISMS , *C*-algebras - Abstract
We show that for a locally compact group G , amongst a class which contains amenable and small invariant neighbourhood groups, its Fourier algebra A ( G ) satisfies a completely bounded version Pisier's similarity property with similarity degree at most 2. Specifically, any completely bounded homomorphism π : A ( G ) → B ( H ) admits an invertible S in B ( H ) for which ‖ S ‖ ‖ S − 1 ‖ ≤ ‖ π ‖ cb 2 and S − 1 π ( ⋅ ) S extends to a ⁎-representation of the C*-algebra C 0 ( G ) . This significantly improves some results due to Brannan and Samei (2010) [5] and Brannan, Daws and Samei (2013) [4] . We also note that A ( G ) has completely bounded similarity degree 1 if and only if it is completely isomorphic to an operator algebra if and only if G is finite. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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4. Idempotents with small norms.
- Author
Mudge, Jayden and Pham, Hung Le
- Subjects
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COMPACT groups , *IDEMPOTENTS , *ABELIAN groups , *MATHEMATICAL bounds , *MULTIPLIERS (Mathematical analysis) - Abstract
Let Γ be a locally compact group. We answer two questions left open in [8] and [10] : (i) For abelian Γ, we prove that if χ S ∈ B ( Γ ) is an idempotent with norm ‖ χ S ‖ < 4 3 , then S is the union of two cosets of an open subgroup of Γ. (ii) For general Γ, we prove that if χ S ∈ M c b A ( Γ ) is an idempotent with norm ‖ χ S ‖ c b < 1 + 2 2 , then S is an open coset in Γ. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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5. [formula omitted]-Fourier and Fourier–Stieltjes algebras for locally compact groups.
- Author
Wiersma, Matthew
- Subjects
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COMPACT groups , *MATHEMATICAL analysis , *MATHEMATICAL models , *PROBABILITY theory , *EFFICIENT market theory - Abstract
Let G be a locally compact group and 1 ≤ p < ∞ . A continuous unitary representation π : G → B ( H ) of G is an L p -representation if the matrix coefficient functions s ↦ 〈 π ( s ) x , x 〉 lie in L p ( G ) for sufficiently many x ∈ H . The L p -Fourier algebra A L p ( G ) is defined to be the set of matrix coefficient functions of L p -representations. Similarly, the L p -Fourier–Stieltjes algebra B L p ( G ) is defined to be the weak*-closure of A L p ( G ) in the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra B ( G ) . These are always ideals in the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra containing the Fourier algebra A ( G ) . In this paper we investigate how these spaces reflect properties of the underlying group and study the structural properties of these algebras. As an application of this theory, we characterize the Fourier–Stieltjes ideals of SL ( 2 , R ) . [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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6. Weak and cyclic amenability for Fourier algebras of connected Lie groups.
- Author
Choi, Yemon and Ghandehari, Mahya
- Subjects
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LIE groups , *LIE algebras , *HARMONIC analysis (Mathematics) , *GROUP theory , *MATHEMATICAL proofs - Abstract
Abstract: Using techniques of non-abelian harmonic analysis, we construct an explicit, non-zero cyclic derivation on the Fourier algebra of the real group. In particular this provides the first proof that this algebra is not weakly amenable. Using the structure theory of Lie groups, we deduce that the Fourier algebras of connected, semisimple Lie groups also support non-zero, cyclic derivations and are likewise not weakly amenable. Our results complement earlier work of Johnson (1994) [15], Plymen (2001) [18] and Forrest, Samei, and Spronk (2009) [9]. As an additional illustration of our techniques, we construct an explicit, non-zero cyclic derivation on the Fourier algebra of the reduced Heisenberg group, providing the first example of a connected nilpotent group whose Fourier algebra is not weakly amenable. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2014
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7. Ideals of and bimodules over maximal abelian selfadjoint algebras.
- Author
Anoussis, M., Katavolos, A., and Todorov, I.G.
- Subjects
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IDEALS (Algebra) , *MODULES (Algebra) , *MAXIMAL functions , *SELFADJOINT operators , *MULTIPLIERS (Mathematical analysis) , *GROUP theory - Abstract
Abstract: This paper is concerned with weak⁎ closed masa-bimodules generated by -invariant subspaces of . An annihilator formula is established, which is used to characterise the weak⁎ closed subspaces of which are invariant under both Schur multipliers and a canonical action of on via completely bounded maps. We study the special cases of extremal ideals with a given null set and, for a large class of groups, we establish a link between relative spectral synthesis and relative operator synthesis. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2014
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8. Power boundedness in Fourier and Fourier–Stieltjes algebras and other commutative Banach algebras
- Author
Kaniuth, E., Lau, A.T., and Ülger, A.
- Subjects
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FOURIER transforms , *STIELTJES transform , *COMMUTATIVE algebra , *LOCALLY compact groups , *SEGAL algebras , *SPECTRAL theory - Abstract
Abstract: We study power boundedness in the Fourier and Fourier–Stieltjes algebras, and , of a locally compact group G as well as in some other commutative Banach algebras. The main results concern the question of when all elements with spectral radius at most one in any of these algebras are power bounded, the characterization of power bounded elements in and and also the structure of the Gelfand transform of a single power bounded element. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2011
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9. Weak spectral synthesis in commutative Banach algebras. II
- Author
Kaniuth, Eberhard
- Subjects
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SPECTRAL theory , *COMMUTATIVE algebra , *BANACH algebras , *ALGEBRAIC spaces , *LOCALLY compact groups , *TENSOR products - Abstract
Abstract: Let A be a semisimple and regular commutative Banach algebra with structure space . Continuing our investigation in [E. Kaniuth, Weak spectral synthesis in commutative Banach algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 254 (2008) 987–1002], we establish various results on intersections and unions of weak spectral sets and weak Ditkin sets in . As an important example, the algebra of n-times continuously differentiable functions is studied in detail. In addition, we prove a theorem on spectral synthesis for projective tensor products of commutative Banach algebras which applies to Fourier algebras of locally compact groups. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2010
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10. Fixed point property for Banach algebras associated to locally compact groups
- Author
Lau, Anthony To-Ming and Mah, Peter F.
- Subjects
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FIXED point theory , *BANACH algebras , *COMPACT groups , *SEMIGROUPS (Algebra) , *AUTOMORPHISMS , *MATHEMATICAL analysis - Abstract
Abstract: In this paper we investigate when various Banach algebras associated to a locally compact group G have the weak or weak∗ fixed point property for left reversible semigroups. We proved, for example, that if G is a separable locally compact group with a compact neighborhood of the identity invariant under inner automorphisms, then the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra of G has the weak∗ fixed point property for left reversible semigroups if and only if G is compact. This generalizes a classical result of T.C. Lim for the case when G is the circle group T. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2010
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11. Approximate and pseudo-amenability of various classes of Banach algebras
- Author
Choi, Y., Ghahramani, F., and Zhang, Y.
- Subjects
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APPROXIMATE identities (Algebra) , *BANACH algebras , *FOURIER analysis , *SEGAL algebras , *COMPACT groups , *DISCRETE groups , *SEMIGROUP algebras - Abstract
Abstract: We continue the investigation of notions of approximate amenability that were introduced in work of the second and third authors together with R.J. Loy. It is shown that every boundedly approximately contractible Banach algebra has a bounded approximate identity, and that the Fourier algebra of the free group on two generators is not operator approximately amenable. Further examples are obtained of -semigroup algebras which are approximately amenable but not amenable; using these, we show that bounded approximate contractibility need not imply sequential approximate amenability. Results are also given for Segal algebras on locally compact groups, and algebras of p-pseudo-functions on discrete groups. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2009
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12. Extension of Fourier algebra homomorphisms to duals of algebras of uniformly continuous functionals
- Author
Ilie, Monica and Stokke, Ross
- Subjects
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HOMOMORPHISMS , *FOURIER analysis , *GROUP algebras , *FIELD extensions (Mathematics) , *DUALITY theory (Mathematics) , *CONTINUOUS functions , *LOCALLY compact groups , *PERIODIC functions - Abstract
Abstract: For a locally compact group G, let be one of the following introverted subspaces of : , the -algebra of uniformly continuous functionals on ; , the space of weakly almost periodic functionals on ; or , the -algebra generated by the left regular representation on the measure algebra of G. We discuss the extension of homomorphisms of (reduced) Fourier–Stieltjes algebras on G and H to cb-norm preserving, weak∗–weak∗-continuous homomorphisms of into , where is one of the pairs , , or . When G is amenable, these extensions are characterized in terms of piecewise affine maps. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2009
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13. Contractive projections on Banach algebras
- Author
Lau, Anthony To-Ming and Loy, Richard J.
- Subjects
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BANACH algebras , *MATHEMATICAL analysis , *MEASURE algebras , *BANACH spaces - Abstract
Abstract: In this paper, we explore the properties of projections of norm one on general Banach algebras, in particular the relation with conditional expectations for algebras which arise in harmonic analysis. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2008
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14. Weak spectral synthesis in commutative Banach algebras
- Author
Kaniuth, Eberhard
- Subjects
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ALGEBRA , *BANACH spaces , *TENSOR products , *MATHEMATICAL analysis - Abstract
Abstract: Let A be a semisimple and regular commutative Banach algebra with structure space . Generalizing the notion of spectral sets in , the considerably larger class of weak spectral sets was introduced and studied in [C.R. Warner, Weak spectral synthesis, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 99 (1987) 244–248]. We prove injection theorems for weak spectral sets and weak Ditkin sets and a Ditkin–Shilov type theorem, which applies to projective tensor products. In addition, we show that weak spectral synthesis holds for the Fourier algebra of a locally compact group G if and only if G is discrete. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2008
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15. Operator space structure on Feichtinger's Segal algebra
- Author
Spronk, Nico
- Subjects
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SEGAL algebras , *NONABELIAN groups , *GROUP theory - Abstract
Abstract: We extend the definition, from the class of abelian groups to a general locally compact group G, of Feichtinger''s remarkable Segal algebra . In order to obtain functorial properties for non-abelian groups, in particular a tensor product formula, we endow with an operator space structure. With this structure is simultaneously an operator Segal algebra of the Fourier algebra , and of the group algebra . We show that this operator space structure is consistent with the major functorial properties: (i) completely isomorphically (operator projective tensor product), if H is another locally compact group; (ii) the restriction map is completely surjective, if H is a closed subgroup; and (iii) is completely surjective, where N is a normal subgroup and . We also show that is an invariant for G when it is treated simultaneously as a pointwise algebra and a convolutive algebra. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2007
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16. Conditional expectations on . Applications
- Author
Derighetti, Antoine
- Subjects
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LOCALLY compact groups , *FOURIER analysis , *GROUP algebras , *TOPOLOGICAL groups - Abstract
Abstract: We obtain for H, a closed amenable subgroup of a locally compact group G, the existence of an invariant conditional expectation of onto . As a consequence we prove that H is locally p-Ditkin in G. We also establish relations between , and where is the norm closure, in the set of all bounded operators of , of the set all convolution operators with compact support. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2007
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17. Hyper-Tauberian algebras and weak amenability of Figà–Talamanca–Herz algebras
- Author
Samei, Ebrahim
- Subjects
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MATHEMATICS , *ALGEBRA , *BANACH spaces , *VECTOR spaces - Abstract
Abstract: We study certain commutative regular semisimple Banach algebras which we call hyper-Tauberian algebras. We first show that they form a subclass of weakly amenable Tauberian algebras. Then we investigate the basic and hereditary properties of them. Moreover, we show that if A is a hyper-Tauberian algebra, then the linear space of bounded derivations from A into any Banach A-bimodule is reflexive. We apply these results to the Figà–Talamanca–Herz algebra of a locally compact group G for . We show that is hyper-Tauberian if the principal component of G is abelian. Finally, by considering the quantization of these results, we show that for any locally compact group G, , equipped with an appropriate operator space structure, is a quantized hyper-Tauberian algebra. This, in particular, implies that is operator weakly amenable. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2006
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18. Completely bounded homomorphisms of the Fourier algebras
- Author
Ilie, Monica and Spronk, Nico
- Subjects
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FOURIER series , *HARMONIC analysis (Mathematics) , *HARMONIC functions , *MATHEMATICAL analysis - Abstract
Abstract: For locally compact groups G and H let denote the Fourier algebra of G and the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra of H. Any continuous piecewise affine map (where Y is an element of the open coset ring) induces a completely bounded homomorphism by setting on Y and off of Y. We show that if G is amenable then any completely bounded homomorphism is of this form; and this theorem fails if G contains a discrete nonabelian free group. Our result generalises results of Cohen (Amer. J. Math. 82 (1960) 213–226), Host (Bull. Soc. Math. France (1986) 114) and of the first author (J. Funct. Anal. (2004) 213). We also obtain a description of all the idempotents in the Fourier–Stieltjes algebras which are contractive or positive definite. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2005
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19. On Fourier algebra homomorphisms
- Author
Ilie, Monica
- Subjects
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FOURIER analysis , *HOMOMORPHISMS , *MATHEMATICAL functions , *PIECEWISE linear topology - Abstract
G be a locally compact group and letB(G) be the dual space ofC*(G) , the groupC* algebra ofG . The Fourier algebraA(G) is the closed ideal ofB(G) generated by elements with compact support. The Fourier algebras have a natural operator space structure as preduals of von Neumann algebras. Given a completely bounded algebra homomorphismφ : A(G)→B(H) we show that it can be described, in terms of a piecewise affine mapα : Y→G withY in the coset ring ofH , as followswhenG is discrete and amenable. This extends a similar result by Host. We also show that in the same hypothesis the range of a completely bounded algebra homomorphismφ : A(G)→A(H) is as large as it can possibly be and it is equal to a well determined set. The same description of the range is obtained for bounded algebra homomorphisms, this time whenG andH are locally compact groups withG abelian. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]- Published
- 2004
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20. Operator space structure and amenability for Figa`-Talamanca–Herz algebras
- Author
Lambert, Anselm, Neufang, Matthias, and Runde, Volker
- Subjects
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BANACH spaces , *GENERALIZED spaces , *COMPLEX variables , *MATHEMATICS - Abstract
Column and row operator spaces—which we denote by
COL andROW , respectively—over arbitrary Banach spaces were introduced by the first-named author; for Hilbert spaces, these definitions coincide with the usual ones. Given a locally compact groupG andp,p′∈(1,∞) with , we use the operator space structure on1 /p+1 /p′+1 /p′=1CB(COL(Lp′(G))) to equip the Figa`-Talamanca–Herz algebraAp(G) with an operator space structure, turning it into a quantized Banach algebra. Moreover, we show that, forp⩽q⩽2 or2⩽q⩽p and amenableG , the canonical inclusionAq(G)⊂Ap(G) is completely bounded (withcb -norm at mostKG2 , whereKG is Grothendieck's constant). As an application, we show thatG is amenable if and only ifAp(G) is operator amenable for all—and equivalently for one—p∈(1,∞) ; this extends a theorem by Ruan. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]- Published
- 2004
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21. Operator biflatness of the Fourier algebra and approximate indicators for subgroups
- Author
Aristov, Oleg Yu., Runde, Volker, and Spronk, Nico
- Subjects
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OPERATOR algebras , *FOURIER analysis , *BANACH spaces , *HOMOLOGY theory - Abstract
We investigate if, for a locally compact group
G , the Fourier algebraA(G) is biflat in the sense of quantized Banach homology. A central roˆle in our investigation is played by the notion of an approximate indicator of a closed subgroup ofG : The Fourier algebra is operator biflat whenever the diagonal inG×G has an approximate indicator. Although we have been unable to settle the question of whetherA(G) is always operator biflat, we show that, forG=SL(3,C) , the diagonal inG×G fails to have an approximate indicator. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]- Published
- 2004
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22. A characterization of the closed unital ideals of the Fourier–Stieltjes algebra <f>B(G)</f> of a locally compact amenable group <f>G</f>
- Author
Ülger, A.
- Subjects
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IDEALS (Algebra) , *NONCOMMUTATIVE algebras , *GROUP theory , *ALGEBRA - Abstract
G be a locally compact amenable group,B(G) its Fourier–Stieltjes algebra andI be a closed ideal of it. In this paper we prove the following result: The idealI has a unit element iff it is principal. This is the noncommutative version of the Glicksberg–Host–Parreau Theorem. The paper also contains an abstract version of this theorem. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]- Published
- 2003
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23. Beurling–Fourier algebras, operator amenability and Arens regularity
- Author
Ebrahim Samei and Hun Hee Lee
- Subjects
Pure mathematics ,Class (set theory) ,Arens regularity ,Beurling algebras ,01 natural sciences ,Beurling–Fourier algebras ,symbols.namesake ,Operator weak amenability ,2×2 special unitary group ,Locally compact space ,0101 mathematics ,Special unitary group ,Mathematics ,Mathematics::Functional Analysis ,Fourier algebra ,Mathematics::Operator Algebras ,Unital ,Operator (physics) ,Heisenberg groups ,010102 general mathematics ,010101 applied mathematics ,Locally compact groups ,Operator amenability ,Fourier transform ,symbols ,Analysis - Abstract
We introduce the class of Beurling–Fourier algebras on locally compact groups and show that they are non-commutative analogs of classical Beurling algebras. We obtain various results with regard to the operator amenability, operator weak amenability and Arens regularity of Beurling–Fourier algebras on compact groups and show that they behave very similarly to the classical Beurling algebras of discrete groups. We then apply our results to study explicitly the Beurling–Fourier algebras on SU ( 2 ) , the 2 × 2 special unitary group. We demonstrate that how Beurling–Fourier algebras are closely connected to the amenability of the Fourier algebra of SU ( 2 ) . Another major consequence of our results is that our investigation allows us to construct families of unital infinite-dimensional closed Arens regular subalgebras of the Fourier algebra of certain products of SU ( 2 ) .
- Published
- 2012
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24. On p-approximation properties for p-operator spaces
- Author
Guimei An, Jung-Jin Lee, and Zhong Jin Ruan
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Jordan algebra ,Fourier algebra ,Figà–Talamanca–Herz algebras ,010102 general mathematics ,Zonal spherical function ,Universal enveloping algebra ,Tensor algebra ,Group algebra ,Locally compact group ,01 natural sciences ,p-Operator spaces ,p-Completely bounded multipliers ,p-Approximation property ,0103 physical sciences ,Algebra representation ,p-Pseudofunction algebras ,010307 mathematical physics ,0101 mathematics ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
This paper has a two-fold purpose. Let 1 p ∞ . We first introduce the p -operator space injective tensor product and study various properties related to this tensor product, including the p -operator space approximation property, for p -operator spaces on L p -spaces. We then apply these properties to the study of the pseudofunction algebra PF p ( G ) , the pseudomeasure algebra PM p ( G ) , and the Figa–Talamanca–Herz algebra A p ( G ) of a locally compact group G . We show that if G is a discrete group, then most of approximation properties for the reduced group C ∗ -algebra C λ ∗ ( G ) , the group von Neumann algebra VN ( G ) , and the Fourier algebra A ( G ) (related to amenability, weak amenability, and approximation property of G ) have the natural p -analogues for PF p ( G ) , PM p ( G ) , and A p ( G ) , respectively. The p -completely bounded multiplier algebra M cb A p ( G ) plays an important role in this work.
- Published
- 2010
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25. Ideals with bounded approximate identities in Fourier algebras
- Author
Brian E. Forrest, Nico Spronk, Eberhard Kaniuth, and Anthony To-Ming Lau
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Pure mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,010102 general mathematics ,Group algebra ,Locally compact group ,Compact operator ,01 natural sciences ,C*-algebra ,Bounded operator ,010101 applied mathematics ,Bounded function ,0101 mathematics ,Approximate identity ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
We make use of the operator space structure of the Fourier algebra A(G) of an amenable locally compact group to prove that if H is any closed subgroup of G, then the ideal I(H) consisting of all functions in A(G) vanishing on H has a bounded approximate identity. This result allows us to completely characterize the ideals of A(G) with bounded approximate identities. We also show that for several classes of locally compact groups, including all nilpotent groups, I(H) has an approximate identity with norm bounded by 2, the best possible norm bound.
- Published
- 2003
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26. A Separation Property of Positive Definite Functions on Locally Compact Groups and Applications to Fourier Algebras
- Author
Eberhard Kaniuth and Anthony To-Ming Lau
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Pure mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,010102 general mathematics ,Zonal spherical function ,Group algebra ,Locally compact group ,01 natural sciences ,Subgroup ,0103 physical sciences ,Noncommutative harmonic analysis ,010307 mathematical physics ,Locally compact space ,0101 mathematics ,Analysis ,Mathematics ,Bochner's theorem - Abstract
For a closed subgroup H of a locally compact group G consider the property that the continuous positive definite functions on G which are identically one on H separate points in G \ H from points in H . We prove a structure theorem for almost connected groups having this separation property for every closed subgroup. Also, when a pair ( G , H ) has this separation property, there are interesting consequences in the ideal theory of the Fourier algebra of G .
- Published
- 2000
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27. Corrigendum to: 'Operator biflatness of the Fourier algebra and approximate indicators for subgroups' [J. Funct. Anal. 209 (2) (2004) 367–387]
- Author
Oleg Aristov, Volker Runde, Nico Spronk, and Zsolt Tanko
- Subjects
Algebra ,Operator (computer programming) ,Fourier algebra ,Kazhdan's property ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Published
- 2016
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28. The Fourier Algebra of a Measured Groupoid and Its Multipliers
- Author
Jean Renault
- Subjects
Mathematics::Functional Analysis ,Pure mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,Mathematics::Operator Algebras ,Operator (physics) ,Locally compact group ,Convolution ,Algebra ,symbols.namesake ,Fourier transform ,Bounded function ,symbols ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
The classical definitions of the Fourier algebras B ( G ) and A ( G ) of a locally compact group are extended to an arbitrary measured groupoid G . Dualities are established between B ( G ) and A ( G ) and the convolution algebras C * μ ( G ) and VN ( G ) in the framework of operator modules. They are used to generalize results of Varopoulos and Pisier about Littlewood functions and completely bounded multipliers.
- Published
- 1997
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29. The Wedderburn decomposability of some commutative Banach algebras
- Author
H. G. Dales and William G. Bade
- Subjects
Algebra ,Pure mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,Mathematics::Rings and Algebras ,Subalgebra ,Quotient algebra ,Ideal (ring theory) ,Locally compact space ,Locally compact group ,Abelian group ,Banach *-algebra ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
In this paper we study the question whether certain non-semisimple, commutative Banach algebras have a Wedderburn decomposition U = B ⊕ rad U , where B is a subalgebra of U . Let A(G) be the Fourier algebra of a locally compact abelian group G, and let E be a closed subset of G. Let J(E) be the smallest closed ideal in A(G) whose hull is E. We prove that, when E is a set of non-synthesis, the quotient algebra A(G) J(E) never has a Wedderburn decomposition even in the purely algebraic sense. This result is extended to cover certain Beurling algebras Ax(Rk) and Ax(Tk).
- Published
- 1992
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30. A duality between locally compact groups and certain Banach algebras
- Author
Martin E. Walter
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Normal subgroup ,Pure mathematics ,Unitary representation ,Fourier algebra ,Holomorph ,Duality (mathematics) ,Locally compact space ,Locally compact group ,Automorphism ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
We make precise the following statements: B(G), the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of locally compact group G, is a dual of G and vice versa. Similarly, A(G), the Fourier algebra of G, is a dual of G and vice versa. We define an abstract Fourier (respectively, Fourier-Stieltjes) algebra; we define the dual group of such a Fourier (respectively, Fourier-Stieltjes) algebra; and we prove the analog of the Pontriagin duality theorem in this context. The key idea in the proof is the characterization of translations of B(G) as precisely those isometric automorphisms Φ of B(G) which satisfy ∥ p − eiθΦp ∥2 + ∥ p + eiθΦp ∥2 = 4 for all θ ∈ R and all pure positive definite functions p with norm one. One particularly interesting technical result appears, namely, given x1, x2 ϵ G, neither of which is the identity e of G, then there exists a continuous, irreducible unitary representation π of G (which may be chosen from the reduced dual of G) such that π(x1) ≠ π(e) and π(x2) ≠ π(e). We also note that the group of isometric automorphisms of B(G) (or A(G)) contains as a (“large”) .closed, normal subgroup the topological version of Burnside's “holomorph of G.”
- Published
- 1974
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31. Bernstein's theorem for compact groups
- Author
George Benke
- Subjects
Normal subgroup ,Discrete mathematics ,Pure mathematics ,Lipschitz domain ,Compact group ,Fourier algebra ,Group (mathematics) ,Totally disconnected space ,Lipschitz continuity ,Fourier series ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
In this paper we generalize the classical Bernstein theorem concerning the absolute convergence of the Fourier series of Lipschitz functions. More precisely, we consider a group G which is finite dimensional, compact, and separable and has an infinite, closed, totally disconnected, normal subgroup D, such that GD is a Lie group. Using this structure, we define in a natural way the notion of Lipschitz condition, and then prove that a function which satisfies a Lipschitz condition of order greater than (dim G + 1)2 belongs to the Fourier algebra of G.
- Published
- 1980
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32. Smoothness and absolute convergence of Fourier series in compact totally disconnected groups
- Author
George Benke
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Pure mathematics ,Smoothness (probability theory) ,Fourier algebra ,Totally disconnected space ,Bounded variation ,Context (language use) ,Function (mathematics) ,Absolute convergence ,Fourier series ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
In this paper we study in the context of compact totally disconnected groups the relationship between the smoothness of a function and its membership in the Fourier algebra GG. Specifically, we define a notion of smoothness which is natural for totally disconnected groups. This in turn leads to the notions of Lipshitz condition and bounded variation. We then give a condition on α which if satisfied implies Lipα(G) ⊂ R(G). On certain groups this condition becomes: α > 12 (Bernstein's theorem). We then give a similar condition on α which if satisfied implies that Lipα(G) ∈ BV(G) ⊂ R(G). On certain groups this condition becomes: α > 0 (Zygmund's theorem). Moreover we show that α > 12 is best possible by showing that Lip12(G) ⊄ R(G).
- Published
- 1978
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33. W∗-algebras and nonabelian harmonic analysis
- Author
Martin E. Walter
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Pure mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,Hilbert space ,Zonal spherical function ,Locally compact group ,Lattice of subgroups ,Representation theory ,symbols.namesake ,Tensor product ,symbols ,Commutative property ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
The Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of an arbitrary locally compact group G is the set of all finite, complex-linear combinations of continuous, positive definite functions on G, where addition and multiplication are defined pointwise and a Banach algebra norm (unique up to equivalence) can be specified. Thus, B(G) is a commutative, semisimple Banach algebra with unit. The main result is that B(G1) and B(G2) are isometrically isomorphic as Banach algebras if and only if G1 and G2 are topologically isomorphic as groups. The spectrum of B(G) is characterized as a ∗-semigroup of operators on Hilbert space, and its subgroup of invertible elements (being precisely those unitary elements which “preserve tensor products”) is topologically isomorphic to G. The Fourier algebra A(G) is also shown to characterize G. (A(G) can be defined as the closure in B(G) of the functions in B(G) with compact support.) The representation theory of the lattice of subgroups of G is also studied. The main techniques of investigation come from the theory of C ∗ and W∗-algebras.
- Published
- 1972
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34. Order isomorphisms of Fourier algebras
- Author
Jean De Cannière and Wolfgang Arendt
- Subjects
Linear map ,Discrete mathematics ,symbols.namesake ,Fourier transform ,Fourier algebra ,symbols ,Bijection ,Order (group theory) ,Positive-definite matrix ,Locally compact space ,Locally compact group ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
If G is a locally compact group, we denote by A ( G ) the Fourier algebra of G , by A ( G ) + the set of all pointwise positive functions in A ( G ), and by P ( G ) the set of all continuous positive definite functions on G . We show that two locally compact groups G 1 and G 2 are isomorphic if and only if there exists a bijective linear mapping T : A ( G 1 ) → A ( G 2 ) such that T ( A ( G 1 ) + ) = A ( G 2 ) + and T ( A ( G 1 ) ∩ P ( G 1 )) = A ( G 2 ) ∩ P ( G 2 ).
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35. On ideals in the bidual of the Fourier algebra and related algebras
- Author
Mahmoud Filali, Matthias Neufang, and M. Sangani Monfared
- Subjects
Amenable groups ,Double dual of Fourier algebra ,Cofinality ,Compact nonmetrizable groups ,01 natural sciences ,Group von Neumann algebra ,Cancellable sets ,One-sided ideals ,Combinatorics ,symbols.namesake ,0103 physical sciences ,Ideal (ring theory) ,Topological group ,0101 mathematics ,Factorization ,Mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,Group (mathematics) ,010102 general mathematics ,Locally compact group ,Algebra ,Uniform continuity ,Dual of uniformly continuous functionals ,Von Neumann algebra ,symbols ,010307 mathematical physics ,Unitary representations ,Analysis - Abstract
Let G be a compact nonmetrizable topological group whose local weight b(G) has uncountable cofinality. Let H be an amenable locally compact group, A(G×H) the Fourier algebra of G×H, and UC2(G×H) the space of uniformly continuous functionals in VN(G×H)=A(G×H)∗. We use weak factorization of operators in the group von Neumann algebra VN(G×H) to prove that there exist at least 22b(G) left ideals of dimensions at least 22b(G) in A(G×H)∗∗ and in UC2(G×H)∗. We show that every nontrivial right ideal in A(G×H)∗∗ and in UC2(G×H)∗ has dimension at least 22b(G).
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36. On the spectral synthesis problem for hypersurfaces of RN
- Author
Detlef Müller
- Subjects
Combinatorics ,Fourier algebra ,Degree (graph theory) ,Mathematical analysis ,Ideal (ring theory) ,Algebra over a field ,Constant (mathematics) ,Space (mathematics) ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
Let F1(Rn) denote the Fourier algebra on Rn, and D(Rn) the space of test functions on Rn. A closed subset E of Rn is said to be of spectral synthesis if the only closed ideal J in F1(Rn) which has E as its hull h(J)={x ϵ Rn:f(x)=0 for all f ϵ J} is the ideal k(E)={fϵF1(Rn):f(E)=0}. We consider sufficiently regular compact subsets of smooth submanifolds of Rn with constant relative nullity. For such sets E we give an estimate of the degree of nilpotency of the algebra (k(E)∩D(Rn))−j(E), where j(E) denotes the smallest closed ideal in F1(Rn) with hull E. Especially in the case of hypersurfaces this estimate turns out to be exact. Moreover for this case we prove that k(E)∩D(Rn) is dense in k(E). Together this solves the synthesis problem for such sets.
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37. The similarity problem for Fourier algebras and corepresentations of group von Neumann algebras
- Author
Michael Brannan and Ebrahim Samei
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,Induced representation ,Mathematics::Operator Algebras ,010102 general mathematics ,Group algebra ,SIN groups ,Locally compact group ,01 natural sciences ,Completely bounded homomorphisms ,Combinatorics ,Faithful representation ,symbols.namesake ,Von Neumann algebra ,Bounded function ,0103 physical sciences ,symbols ,Trivial representation ,010307 mathematical physics ,0101 mathematics ,Fourier algebras ,Group von Neumann algebras ,Analysis ,Mathematics ,Corepresentations - Abstract
Let G be a locally compact group, and let A(G) and VN(G) be its Fourier algebra and group von Neumann algebra, respectively. In this paper we consider the similarity problem for A(G): Is every bounded representation of A(G) on a Hilbert space H similar to a *-representation? We show that the similarity problem for A(G) has a negative answer if and only if there is a bounded representation of A(G) which is not completely bounded. For groups with small invariant neighborhoods (i.e. SIN groups) we show that a representation π:A(G)→B(H) is similar to a *-representation if and only if it is completely bounded. This, in particular, implies that corepresentations of VN(G) associated to non-degenerate completely bounded representations of A(G) are similar to unitary corepresentations. We also show that if G is a SIN, maximally almost periodic, or totally disconnected group, then a representation of A(G) is a *-representation if and only if it is a complete contraction. These results partially answer questions posed in Effros and Ruan (2003) [7] and Spronk (2002) [25].
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38. Groups acting on trees and approximation properties of the Fourier algebra
- Author
Ryszard Szwarc
- Subjects
Discrete mathematics ,Vertex (graph theory) ,Pure mathematics ,Fourier algebra ,Bounded function ,Analytic continuation ,Zonal spherical function ,Locally compact group ,Special case ,Analysis ,Mathematics - Abstract
Let be a tree and G a locally compact group acting on by isometries with respect to the natural metric on . We construct the series of representations of G parametrized by the complex unit disc associated canonically with the distance on via the matrix coefficients. We apply this series to prove that for any group G acting on a tree in such a way that the stabilizer of a vertex is a compact subgroup of G the Fourier algebra A(G) admits an approximate unit bounded in the multiplier norm on A(G). For the special case of semihomogeneous trees and the full group Aut() of isometries of we decompose the constructed representations obtaining finally an analytic continuation of the principal series of Aut().
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