A bipartition of the vertex set of a graph is called balancedif the sizes of the sets in the bipartition differ by at most one. B. Bollobás and A. D. Scott, Random Struct Alg 21 (2002), 414–430 conjectured that if Gis a graph with minimum degree of at least 2 then V(G) admits a balanced bipartition V1, V2such that for each i, Ghas at most |E(G)|/3 edges with both ends in Vi. The minimum degree condition is necessary, and a result of B. Bollobás and A. D. Scott, J. Graph Theory 46 (2004), 131–143 shows that this conjecture holds for regular graphs G(i.e., when Δ(G)=δ(G)). We prove this conjecture for graphs Gwith \documentclass{article}\footskip=0pc\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}\begin{eqnarray*}\Delta(G)\le\frac{7}{5}\delta(G)\end{eqnarray*}\end{document}; hence, it holds for graphs ]ensuremathG with \documentclass{article}\footskip=0pc\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}\begin{eqnarray*}\delta(G)\ge\frac{5}{7}|V(G)|\end{eqnarray*}\end{document}. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Graph Theory 63: 210–225, 2010