The potential of three mass spectrometry MS analyzers triple quadrupole, QqQ; time of flight, TOF; and quadrupole time of flight, QTOF has been investigated and compared for quantification, confirmation and screening purposes in pesticide residue analysis of fruit and vegetable samples. For this purpose, analytical methodology for multiresidue determination of 11 pesticides, taken as a model, has been developed and validated in nine food matrices for the three mass analyzers coupled to ultra high pressure liquid chromatography. In all cases, limits of quantification around 0.01 mgkg were reached, fulfilling the most restrictive case of babyfood analysis. Regarding absolute sensitivity, the lower limits of detection were obtained, as expected, for QqQ 100 fg, whereas slightly higher limits 300 fg were obtained for both TOF and QTOF. Confirmative capacity of each analyzer was studied for each analyte based on the identification points IPs criterion, useful for a comprehensive comparison. QTOF mass analyzer showed the highest confirmatory capacity, although QqQ normally led to sufficient number of IPs, even at lower concentration levels. The potential of TOF MS was also investigated for screening purposes. To this aim, around 50 commercial fruits and vegetables samples were analyzed, searching for more than 400 pesticides. TOF MS proved to be an attractive analytical tool for rapid detection and reliable identification of a large number of pesticides thanks to the full spectrum acquisition at accurate mass with satisfactory sensitivity. This process is readily boosted when combined with specialized software packages, together with theoretical exact mass databases. Several pesticides e.g. carbendazim in citrus and indoxacarb in grape were detected in the samples. Further unequivocal confirmation of the identity was performed using reference standards andor QTOF MSMS experiments. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.