Microparticles in Stokes Flows – Symposium in Honor of Franccois Feuillebois' 65th Birthday was held from 21–24 August 2011 in Warsaw, Poland. There were 43 participants from Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Tunisia, United Kingdom and the USA. They presented 5 invited lectures, 25 contributed talks and 9 posters. The abstracts can be found at microparticles2011.ippt.pan.pl. The subjects were divided into three parts and 13 sessions, listed below. Part I. A variety of particles. Sessions: sedimentation at non-Brownian time scale, Brownian and hydrodynamic interactions of non-spherical particles, active particles, permeable particles, deformable particles and biosystems. Part II. Particles and interfaces. Sessions: confined multiparticle systems, hydrodynamic interactions in confined systems, single particle under confinement, particle-interface interactions, slip at interfaces, slip in suspensions. Part III. Stokes flows and beyond. Sessions: inertial effects, texture and self-assembly. At the end of each session, presentations were followed by extensive discussions (two thirds of the presentation time). Also, two round-table general discussions took place, Methods of solving the Stokes equations - which when? and Challenges in microhydrodynamics. This volume contains both original contributions and reviews. There were at least two referees per paper: one participating in the conference, and the other not. I would like to thank all the referees for their work, the Polish Academy of Sciences, Centre national de la recherche scientifique and the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences for supporting in part the conference, Anna Mylyk, Agnieszka Slowicka and Krzysztof Zembrzycki for the weeks spent organizing the symposium, and all the conference participants for their presentations and discussions of the highest scientific quality. Happy Birthday, Franccois Feuillebois! This volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series is dedicated to our friend and colleague Franccois Feuillebois. The symposium Microparticles in Stokes Flows was organized to celebrate his 65th birthday. Franccois presented a special lecture, entitled Influence of wall slip in dilute suspensions [1], which was followed by a birthday dinner, with an after-dinner speech given by John Hinch. The symposium participants, and those who could not join the meeting, all wish Franccois all the best for his 65th birthday, and thank him for sharing with us his knowledge, and motivating us to solve interesting problems related to motion of particles in fluid flows. An illustration of Franccois's scientific interests was shown on the conference poster. The conference participants could participate in a contest, by submitting a written answer to the question ``What system is shown on the conference poster (equations, boundary conditions)?''. Francois was in charge of evaluating the answers to this quiz, and providing the explanation [3]. Transworld Research Network kindly provided the rewards: copies of the book co-edited by Francois [2]. The winners were Maciej Lisicki and Eric Climent. A third copy of this book was awarded to John Hinch, who (according to majority of the participants) had asked the most insightful questions during the conference. Maria L Ekiel-Jezewska (Editor) Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawi\'nskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland Email: mekiel@ippt.pan.pl References [1] Feuillebois F, Ghalya N and Sellier A 2012 Influence of wall slip in dilute suspensions J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 392 012012 [2] Feuillebois F and Sellier A, eds., 2009 Theoretical Methods for Micro Scale Viscous Flows (Transworld Research Network, Kerala) [3] Feuillebois F 2012 The quiz J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 392 011002