Usman Baber, Ziad Sergie, C. Michael Gibson, Pushpam Barathi, Philippe Steg, David Cohen, Mitchell Krucoff, David Moliterno, Antonio Colombo, Roxana Mehran, Giora Weisz, Alaide Chieffo, Maria Alu, and Bernhard Witzenbichler
Absrac Caegor: 7. CI - Adjuc harmacologyreseao Number: 2536-628Auhors: Usman Baber, Antonio Colombo, Giora Weisz, Alaide Chieffo, C. Michael Gibson, Maria Alu, Pushpam Barathi, Ziad Sergie, David Cohen, David Moliterno, Bernhard Witzenbichler, Mitchell Krucoff, Philippe Steg, Roxana Mehran, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USABackground: ual a-laele hera (AT: Asr + Theorde) s a corersoe of reame for aes ho rese h acue coroar sdromes (AC), ad aes udergog ercuaeous coroar ereo (CI). Curre gudeles call for rologed AT for all s udergog CI h a drug-elug se (E), ad shorer durao (≥ 1 moh) for all s receg a bare meal se ( BM). hle remaure dscouao of AT has bee assocaed h a creased rs of se hromboss reous sudes, real-orld aers of adherece o DAT rescro hae o bee characerzed deal, or has relaosh of AT o-adherece o oher clcal oucomes bee esablshed.Methods: The ARI (aers of No-Adherece o A-laele Regmes eed aes) regsr s a mul-ceer, mulaoal, rosece obseraoal sud ha ll follo subjecs for 24 mohs afer se mlaao, ad ll exame he feaures of o-adherece o AT follog seg.Results: Amog 5033 subjecs, he mea age as 64 ears, 74.5% ere male, 40.9% reseed h AC, ad 82% receed a drug-elug se.37.6% of subjecs ere o AT re-rocedure, ad 99.6% ere o AT a he me of dscharge. A 30 das, he oerall cdece of o-adherece as 2.1% (104 subjecs, 147 esodes): dsruo 69%, erruo 19%, ad dscouao 12%. e hromboss (robable ad deie er ARC deios) as rare a 0.46%. Of he 26 s h T, 17 ere deie T, ad 9 ere robable T. The rae of T adhere oulao as 0.46% (23/4929), comared o 2.9% (3/104) amogs he o-adhere grou (OR: 6.3; 95% CI [1.9-21.4). To dae all s hae comleed 6 moh follo-u ad all resuls cludg adjudcaed aderse ees ll be reseed.Conclusion: I hs real-orld oulao of aes udergog CI h se mlaao, o-adherece o AT as lo a 30 das. hle he rae of T a 30 das as lo (0.46%), here as a srog assocao beee o-adherece ad T. Comlee 6 moh daa ll be reseed.