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1. Linking Hadley Circulation and Storm Tracks in a Conceptual Model of the Atmospheric Energy Balance.

2. Internal Variability of the Winter Stratosphere. Part I: Time-Independent Forcing.

3. Suppression of Arctic Air Formation with Climate Warming: Investigation with a Two-Dimensional Cloud-Resolving Model.

4. The Impact of GCM Dynamical Cores on Idealized Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and Their QBO Interactions.

5. Interannual Variability in North Atlantic Weather: Data Analysis and a Quasigeostrophic Model.

6. Practical Approximations to Seasonal Fluctuation-Dissipation Operators Given a Limited Sample.

7. Climate Response Using a Three-Dimensional Operator Based on the Fluctuation–Dissipation Theorem.

8. Using MODIS and AERONET to Determine GCM Aerosol Size.

9. A Conceptual Model of a Shallow Circulation Induced by Prescribed Low-Level Radiative Cooling.

10. Using the Artificial Tracer e90 to Examine Present and Future UTLS Tracer Transport in WACCM.

11. The Modulation of Stationary Waves, and Their Response to Climate Change, by Parameterized Orographic Drag.

12. The Role of Eddy Diffusivity on a Poleward Jet Shift.

13. The Linear Response Function of an Idealized Atmosphere. Part I: Construction Using Green's Functions and Applications.

14. The Response of an Idealized Atmosphere to Orographic Forcing: Zonal versus Meridional Propagation.

15. Eddy Activity Sensitivity to Changes in the Vertical Structure of Baroclinicity.

16. Baroclinic Eddies and the Extent of the Hadley Circulation: An Idealized GCM Study.

17. A Diagnosis of the Seasonally and Longitudinally Varying Midlatitude Circulation Response to Global Warming*.

18. Robustness of Dynamical Feedbacks from Radiative Forcing: 2% Solar versus 2 × CO2 Experiments in an Idealized GCM.

19. Isentropic Slopes, Downgradient Eddy Fluxes, and the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Response to Tropical Tropospheric Heating.

20. Investigating the Linear and Nonlinear Stationary Wave Response to Anomalous North American Snow Cover.

21. Improvement and Implementation of a Parameterization for Shallow Cumulus in the Global Climate Model ECHAM5-HAM.

22. Response of Tropical Precipitation to Global Warming.

23. The Effective Static Stability Experienced by Eddies in a Moist Atmosphere.

24. Subpolar High Anomaly Preconditioning Precipitation over South America.

25. On Robust Estimation of Low-Frequency Variability Trends in Discrete Markovian Sequences of Atmospheric Circulation Patterns.

26. Wind–Evaporation Feedback and the Axisymmetric Transition to Angular Momentum–Conserving Hadley Flow.

27. A Warm Rain Microphysics Parameterization that Includes the Effect of Turbulence.

28. An Approach for Convective Parameterization with Memory: Separating Microphysics and Transport in Grid-Scale Equations.

29. Vertical Moist Thermodynamic Structure and Spatial–Temporal Evolution of the MJO in AIRS Observations.

30. Evaporation and Precipitation Surface Effects in Local Mass Continuity Laws of Moist Air.

31. Low-Level Mesocyclonic Concentration by Nonaxisymmetric Transport. Part II: Vorticity Dynamics.

32. Comments on 'The Unusual Southern Hemisphere Winter of 2002'.