
Showing total 21 results
21 results

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1. Verifying exactness of relaxations for robust semi-definite programs by solving polynomial systems

2. Level characteristics corresponding to peripheral eigenvalues of a nonnegative matrix

3. Robustness analysis of preconditioned successive projection algorithm for general form of separable NMF problem.

4. On the inclusion matrix [formula omitted].

5. On the higher moments of TCP.

6. Convergence of an algorithm for the largest singular value of a nonnegative rectangular tensor

7. The reconstruction of a special kind of periodic Jacobi matrices

8. Structured backward errors for generalized saddle point systems

9. Nineteenth century roots of quasideterminants

10. Factoring matrices with a tree-structured sparsity pattern

11. Synthetic boundary conditions for image deblurring

12. Some inequalities related to the Seysen measure of a lattice

13. A note on “ Completely positive matrices”

14. Face counting on an Acyclic Birkhoff polytope

15. Algorithms for multidimensional spectral factorization and sum of squares

16. Sign-solvable linear complementarity problems

17. Evaluation of minors associated to weighing matrices

18. Orbits and critical components of matrices in max–min algebra

19. A probabilistic algorithm for the secant defect of Grassmann varieties

20. The skew-symmetric orthogonal solutions of the matrix equation AX=B

21. A note on “Constructing matrices with prescribed off-diagonal submatrix and invariant polynomials”