In this study, Fusarium species isolated from 29 patients with mycotic keratitis were identified and tested for their ability to produce mycotoxins. Members of the F. solani species complex ( Fs complex) were the predominant species isolated, followed by F. verticillioides, F. dimerum, members of the F. oxysporum species complex Fo complex), F. incarnatum, F. chlamydosporum and F. lateritium. Of these, 76% of the Fusarium isolates produced fusaric acid, moniliformin or fumonisin B1. Many of the fusaria isolated are common aetiological agents of mycotic keratitis infections. However, F. incarnatum, F. chlamydosporum and F. lateritium have previously not been found in this infection. These findings indicate that a greater variety of fusarial species are becoming associated with mycotic keratitis infections. This paper further demonstrates the mycotoxin-producing ability of these clinical isolates and assesses cellular cytotoxicity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]