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1. Periodic hydroclimate variations during the first half of the Holocene in the Luoyang Basin: Evidence from the Tiancun paleolake sedimentary sequence.

2. The influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperature fluctuations on the climate of the Qinling-Bashan Mountains, China based on a 250 year tree-ring record.

3. Mid to late Holocene climate changes and grazing activities in northern Loess Plateau, China.

4. An integrated chronological study on the Quaternary sedimentary sequences of the Yangtze River delta, China.

5. Response of late Holocene vegetation to abrupt climatic events on the northwestern coast of the Bay of Bohai, China.

6. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Late Triassic lacustrine facies of the Ordos Basin of Northwest China were driven by multistage volcanic activity: Implications for the understanding the Carnian Pluvial Event.

7. Vegetation response to climate change and human activity in southwestern China since the Last Glacial Maximum.

8. ENSO-related East Asian climate transition at ~ 3600 B.P. and its implications for the rise of pastoralism in North China.

9. Climatic variability during the 4.2 ka event: Evidence from a high-resolution pollen record in southeastern China.

10. Quantitative reconstruction of Middle and Late Eocene paleoclimate based on palynological records from the Huadian Basin, northeastern China: Evidence for monsoonal influence on oil shale formation.

11. Northern high-latitude sea ice variation linked with East Asian monsoon anomalies during the Younger Dryas.

12. Diatom evidence for late Holocene environmental change in a permafrost peatland in the northern Greater Khingan Mountains, Northeast China.

13. Geochemical characterization of the middle and late Pleistocene alluvial fan-dominated infill of the northern part of the Weihe Basin, Central China.

14. Climate fluctuations during the Ordovician-Silurian transition period in South China: Implications for paleoenvironmental evolution and organic matter enrichment.

15. Mid- to late Holocene vegetation response to relative sea-level fluctuations recorded by multi-proxy evidence in the Subei Plain, eastern China.

16. OSL dating of coastal sand dunes in southeastern China provides new insights into the relationship between aeolian activity and eustatic sea-level fluctuations.

17. Cambial evidence of the "Millennium Eruption" of Changbaishan volcano (c. 946 CE) and century-scale climatic change in the Middle Ages.

18. Records of fire and its controls on coastal plain of Laizhou Bay, China since 5000 years.

19. Geochemical characteristics of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur in Ordovician-Silurian transition shales in the Yangtze Platform, South China: Implications for the depositional environment.

20. Climate changes in the Qaidam Basin in NW China over the past 40 kyr.