In the study area the Upper Permian aged Dedeköy formation and the Lower-Middle Triassic aged Gerdekesyayla formation, both belonging to the Bolkar group, found in the mustbottom of the region. Dedeköy formation is made dolomitic limestone and crystalline limestone. The base of this unit in the study area is not exposed. But, it is conformably overlain by the Gerdekesyayla formation. The Gerdekesyayla formation consists of phyllite, dolomitic limestone alternation with calc-schist and some limestone olistoliths. The Upper Paleocene-Middle Eocene aged Halkapınar formation unconformably overlies the Bolkar group. Halkapınar formation starts with conglomerate and sandstones and it comprises sandy and clayey limestone strata, although it is mainly made of sandstone and shale interlayers. Diabasic dykes and stocks can also be found in the Halkapınar formation. The Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene aged Kepeztepe formation unconformably overlies the Halkapınar formation. Kepeztepe formation is made up of conglomerate and limestone. In this formation,the of this limestones are useually stromatolitic, and the formations of this stromatolitic limestones govermed by some algae, such as Schizothrix sp., Phormidium sp. and/or Scytonema sp. The Quaternary aged stream sediments, talus deposits and alluvium unconformably overlies the older units in the region.