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1. Buchenwald, Books, and the Identity of the Intellectual in the Works of Jorge Semprun.

2. "I Am As Ever Your Disciple": The Friendship of Hamlin Garland and W. D. Howells.

3. Swift and Kafka.

4. Robert Walton As Reanimator.

5. "The Greatest Victorian" in the New Century:The Enduring Relevance of Walter Bagehot's Commentary on Literature,Scholarship, and Public Life.

6. Twin Stars:The Anxiety of Sibling Rivalry between Literary Titans.

7. Mediterranean Travel Writing: From Etruscan Places to Under the Tuscan Sun.

8. "Memory Believes before Knowing Remembers": Faulkner, Canetti, and Survival.

9. Melville's Debt to Milton: Inverted Satanic Morphology and Rhetoric in The Confidence-Man.

10. Elizabethan `modernism,' Jacobean `postmodernism': Schematizing stir in the drama of Shakespeare...

11. Colonial discourse and William Makepeace Thackeray's `Irish Sketch Book.'

12. Evelyn Waugh and Lance Sieveking: New Light on Waugh's Relations with the BBC.

13. In the Egosphere: Philip Roth's Anti-Bildungsroman.

14. William Hale White and the Example of George Eliot.

15. Michael's New Commandment 'With Promise': Paradise Lost 11. 530-46.

16. Introduction.

17. Some Dutch Elements in Finnegans Wake 403.06-17.

18. Vexing Voices: The Telling of Gulliver's Story.

19. No Sanctuary: Hemingway's 'The Killers' and Pinter's The Birthday Party.

21. Pound and Mauberley: the Eroding Difference.

22. Heimito von Doderer and Man's 'Existential Fear'

23. Varieties of Vexations Experience in Swift and Others.

24. Fragments and Order: Two Modern Theories of Dicontinuous Form.

25. Settling the Estate. Evelyn Waugh's Posthumous and Uncollected Work.

26. Milo's 'Culpable Innocence': Absurdity as Moral Insanity in Catch-22.

27. The Metaphor of the Garden in Defoe's A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain.

28. The Theatrical World of the Decline and Fall.

29. T.S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Relationship.

30. William March: Regional Perspective and Beyond.

32. A Survey of Major Austen Studies 1970-1975.

33. Raymond Williams and Literary History.

35. Heimito von Doderer's Tangenten and the Genesis of Die Strudelhofstiege.

36. Unamuno's Menéndez y Pelayo Cryptogram in Niebla.

37. In Memoriam Nicholas T. Joost 1916-1980.