The piezo-optical properties of Ge, for pressure along the [001] and [111] directions, are calculated with the use of a realistic empirical tight-binding model. The real and imaginary part of components ${P}_{11}(\ensuremath{\omega})$, ${P}_{12}(\ensuremath{\omega})$, and ${P}_{44}(\ensuremath{\omega})$ of the linear piezo-optical tensor for Ge are evaluated. The main structures in ${P}_{\mathrm{ij}}$ are located around the ${E}_{1}$ and ${E}_{2}$ critical points. Deformation potential constants ${D}_{1}^{1}$, ${D}_{1}^{5}$, ${D}_{3}^{3}$, and ${D}_{3}^{5}$, for the ${E}_{1}\ensuremath{-}{(E}_{1}+{\ensuremath{\Delta}}_{1})$ transitions are also evaluated. The theoretically obtained results are in good agreement with existing experimental values.