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651. The Musicality of Non-Musicians: An Index for Assessing Musical Sophistication in the General Population.

652. Characterizing and Modeling the Dynamics of Activity and Popularity.

653. Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing Integrated Mental Health Care: A District Level Situation Analysis from Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries.

654. A Computational Approach to Qualitative Analysis in Large Textual Datasets.

655. Do the Rich Get Richer? An Empirical Analysis of the Bitcoin Transaction Network.

656. Predictors of Mortality among Patients Enrolled on Antiretroviral Therapy in Aksum Hospital, Northern Ethiopia: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

657. Combining Telephone Surveys and Fishing Catches Self-Report: The French Sea Bass Recreational Fishery Assessment.

658. He Votes or She Votes? Female and Male Discursive Strategies in Twitter Political Hashtags.

659. Determinants of Public Attitudes to Genetically Modified Salmon.

660. Childhood Adversity Accelerates Intended Reproductive Timing in Adolescent Girls without Increasing Interest in Infants.

661. Correlations and Scaling Laws in Human Mobility.

662. A Model of Two-Way Selection System for Human Behavior.

663. On the Comparison of Group Performance with Categorical Data.

664. Predicting the Vulnerability of Great Apes to Disease: The Role of Superspreaders and Their Potential Vaccination.

665. Discovering Link Communities in Complex Networks by an Integer Programming Model and a Genetic Algorithm.

666. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies as a Link between Men’s Facial Width-to-Height Ratio and Behavior.

667. HIV Testing and Tolerance to Gender Based Violence: A Cross-Sectional Study in Zambia.

668. Towards a Solution to the Goose-Agriculture Conflict in North Norway, 1988–2012: The Interplay between Policy, Stakeholder Influence and Goose Population Dynamics.

669. Relationships of Disability with Age Among Adults Aged 50 to 85: Evidence from the United States, England and Continental Europe.

670. Walking, Cycling and Driving to Work in the English and Welsh 2011 Census: Trends, Socio-Economic Patterning and Relevance to Travel Behaviour in General.

671. Communicating Risk to Aboriginal Peoples: First Nations and Metis Responses to H1N1 Risk Messages.

672. Explaining Marital Patterns and Trends in Namibia: A Regression Analysis of 1992, 2000 and 2006 Demographic and Survey Data.

673. Age-Specific Mortality During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Unravelling the Mystery of High Young Adult Mortality.

674. Incorporating Disease and Population Structure into Models of SIR Disease in Contact Networks.

675. Dependence of the Firearm-Related Homicide Rate on Gun Availability: A Mathematical Analysis.

676. Paternity Acknowledgment in 2 Million Birth Records from Michigan.

677. Meeting Rural Demand: A Case for Combining Community-Based Distribution and Social Marketing of Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia.

678. Being on the Field When the Game Is Still Under Way. The Financial Press and Stock Markets in Times of Crisis.

679. A Community of Strangers: The Dis-Embedding of Social Ties.

680. Comparative Network Analysis of Preterm vs. Full-Term Infant-Mother Interactions.

681. Life Expectancy and Death by Diseases of the Circulatory System in Patients with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia in the Nordic Countries.

682. Bibliometric Evidence for a Hierarchy of the Sciences.

683. Life Years Lost Associated with Obesity-Related Diseases for U.S. Non-Smoking Adults.

684. Impact of GDP, Spending on R&D, Number of Universities and Scientific Journals on Research Publications among Asian Countries.

685. A Pill for the Ill? Patients’ Reports of Their Experience of the Medical Encounter in the Treatment of Depression.

686. Strategies to Improve Child Immunization via Antenatal Care Visits in India: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis.

687. The Importance of Demonstratively Restoring Order.

688. The IPV-GBM Scale: A New Scale to Measure Intimate Partner Violence among Gay and Bisexual Men.

689. Does Perceived Physical Attractiveness in Adolescence Predict Better Socioeconomic Position in Adulthood? Evidence from 20 Years of Follow Up in a Population Cohort Study

690. Modelling Pedestrian Travel Time and the Design of Facilities: A Queuing Approach

691. An Efficient Two-Tier Causal Protocol for Mobile Distributed Systems.

692. Potentials-Attract or Likes-Attract in Human Mate Choice in China.

693. Robot-Mediated Interviews - How Effective Is a Humanoid Robot as a Tool for Interviewing Young Children?

694. Universities Scale Like Cities.

695. The Effectiveness of Internet Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) for Depression in Primary Care: A Quality Assurance Study.

696. The Role of Community Mixing Styles in Shaping Epidemic Behaviors in Weighted Networks.

697. Game Theory, Conditional Preferences, and Social Influence.

698. Cyclic Game Dynamics Driven by Iterated Reasoning.

699. Yahtzee: An Anonymized Group Level Matching Procedure.