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1. Comment on the paper 'Cost-effectiveness of sofosbuvir in hepatitis C genotype 1 infection in Germany: A reanalysis of published results'

2. Paper-based sensors for rapid detection of virulence factor produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

3. Knowledge, attitude and practices of community pharmacists regarding COVID-19: A paper-based survey in Vietnam

4. Are papers addressing certain diseases perceived where these diseases are prevalent? The proposal to use Twitter data as social-spatial sensors

5. Development and evaluation of novel bio-safe filter paper-based kits for sputum microscopy and transport to directly detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and associated drug resistance

6. Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Accurately Detects Malaria DNA from Filter Paper Blood Samples of Low Density Parasitaemias

7. Presence and stability of SARS-CoV-2 on environmental currency and money cards in Utah reveals a lack of live virus

8. Acaricidal activity of Foeniculum vulgare against Rhipicephalus annulatus is mainly dependent on its constituent from trans-anethone

9. WHotLAMP: A simple, inexpensive, and sensitive molecular test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva

10. Trials of the Automated Particle Counter for laboratory rearing of mosquito larvae

11. Potential application of novel technology developed for instant decontamination of personal protective equipment before the doffing step

12. Impact of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation on new silicone half-piece elastometric respirator (VJR-NMU) performance, structural integrity and sterility during the COVID-19 pandemic

13. Balancing Theory and Practice in Respondent-Driven Sampling: A Case Study of Innovations Developed to Overcome Recruitment Challenges.

14. Development of highly efficient protocols for extraction and amplification of cytomegalovirus DNA from dried blood spots for detection and genotyping of polymorphic immunomodulatory genes

15. High-throughput analysis of insecticides on malaria vectors using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

16. Decontamination of aerosolised bacteria from a pig farm environment using a pH neutral electrochemically activated solution (Ecas4 anolyte)

17. Decontamination of N95 masks for re-use employing 7 widely available sterilization methods

18. Demonstration of disinfection procedure for the development of accurate blood glucose meters in accordance with ISO 15197:2013

19. Non-Invasive Cytology Brush PCR for the Diagnosis and Causative Species Identification of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Peru

20. Solar Disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Harvested Rainwater: A Step towards Potability of Rainwater

21. Accuracy, Precision, Ease-Of-Use, and Cost of Methods to Test Ebola-Relevant Chlorine Solutions

22. Can particulate air sampling predict microbial load in operating theatres for arthroplasty?

23. Healthy Animals, Healthy People: Zoonosis Risk from Animal Contact in Pet Shops, a Systematic Review of the Literature.

24. Evaluation of Change in Canine Diagnosis Protocol Adopted by the Visceral Leishmaniasis Control Program in Brazil and a New Proposal for Diagnosis.

25. Using a Near-Infrared Spectrometer to Estimate the Age of Anopheles Mosquitoes Exposed to Pyrethroids.

26. Effect of Dielectric and Liquid on Plasma Sterilization Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma.

27. Systematic Review of the Use of Dried Blood Spots for Monitoring HIV Viral Load and for Early Infant Diagnosis.

28. Heterosexual Anal Sex among Female Sex Workers in High HIV Prevalence States of India: Need for Comprehensive Intervention.

29. Recombinant Plants Provide a New Approach to the Production of Bacterial Polysaccharide for Vaccines.

30. Estimating Kidney Function in HIV-Infected Adults in Kenya: Comparison to a Direct Measure of Glomerular Filtration Rate by Iohexol Clearance.

31. The Effectiveness of Public Health Interventions to Reduce the Health Impact of Climate Change: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews.

32. Dried Blood Spot Sampling for Hepatitis B Virus Serology and Molecular Testing.

33. Risk in Vaccine Research and Development Quantified.

34. Effects of Physical Tracing on Estimates of Loss to Follow-Up, Mortality and Retention in Low and Middle Income Country Antiretroviral Therapy Programs: A Systematic Review.

35. An Efficient Strategy of Screening for Pathogens in Wild-Caught Ticks and Mosquitoes by Reusing Small RNA Deep Sequencing Data.

36. Protein Malnutrition Impairs the Immune Response and Influences the Severity of Infection in a Hamster Model of Chronic Visceral Leishmaniasis.

37. Infrastructure and Contamination of the Physical Environment in Three Bangladeshi Hospitals: Putting Infection Control into Context.

38. Are We Doing Enough to Stem the Tide of Acquired MDR-TB in Countries with High TB Burden? Results of a Mixed Method Study in Chongqing, China.

39. Applications and Comparisons of Four Time Series Models in Epidemiological Surveillance Data.

40. Flagellar Movement in Two Bacteria of the Family Rickettsiaceae: A Re-Evaluation of Motility in an Evolutionary Perspective.

41. Genetic, Cytogenetic and Morphological Trends in the Evolution of the Rhodnius (Triatominae: Rhodniini) Trans-Andean Group.

42. Predictors of Mortality among Patients Enrolled on Antiretroviral Therapy in Aksum Hospital, Northern Ethiopia: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

43. Economic Support to Patients in HIV and TB Grants in Rounds 7 and 10 from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

44. Optimized Strategy for the Control and Prevention of Newly Emerging Influenza Revealed by the Spread Dynamics Model.

45. Lattice Model for Influenza Spreading with Spontaneous Behavioral Changes.

46. Estimating a Markovian Epidemic Model Using Household Serial Interval Data from the Early Phase of an Epidemic.

47. iGPCR-Drug: A Web Server for Predicting Interaction between GPCRs and Drugs in Cellular Networking.

48. A Global Airport-Based Risk Model for the Spread of Dengue Infection via the Air Transport Network.

49. HIV Testing and Tolerance to Gender Based Violence: A Cross-Sectional Study in Zambia.

50. Communicating Risk to Aboriginal Peoples: First Nations and Metis Responses to H1N1 Risk Messages.