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1. Closure of live bird markets leads to the spread of H7N9 influenza in China.

2. Impact of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) on soil properties and nitrous oxide fluxes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.

3. A practical model for the train-set utilization: The case of Beijing-Tianjin passenger dedicated line in China.

4. Social Complexification and Pig (Sus scrofa) Husbandry in Ancient China: A Combined Geometric Morphometric and Isotopic Approach.

5. Impact of Groundwater Table and Plateau Zokors (Myospalax baileyi) on Ecosystem Respiration in the Zoige Peatlands of China.

6. Variability in phytoplankton biomass and effects of sea surface temperature based on satellite data from the Yellow Sea, China.

7. Sedentism and plant cultivation in northeast China emerged during affluent conditions.

8. High innate preference of black substrate in the chive gnat, Bradysia odoriphaga (Diptera: Sciaridae).

9. Multi-locus characterization and phylogenetic inference of Leishmania spp. in snakes from Northwest China.

10. The distribution of large floating seagrass (Zostera marina) aggregations in northern temperate zones of Bohai Bay in the Bohai Sea, China.

11. Osteology of Batrachuperus yenyuanensis (Urodela, Hynobiidae), a high-altitude mountain stream salamander from western China.

12. Fish diversity in the middle and lower reaches of the Ganjiang River of China: Threats and conservation.

13. Effects of climatically-modulated changes in solar radiation and wind speed on spring phytoplankton community dynamics in Lake Taihu, China.

14. New polybranchiaspiform fishes (Agnatha: Galeaspida) from the Middle Palaeozoic of China and their ecomorphological implications.

15. Genetic and biological characterization of H9N2 avian influenza viruses isolated in China from 2011 to 2014.

16. Characterization, expression patterns of molt-inhibiting hormone gene of Macrobrachium nipponense and its roles in molting and growth.

17. Influenza A H5N1 and H7N9 in China: A spatial risk analysis.

18. Effects of Different Saline-Alkaline Conditions on the Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities in the Lakes of Songnen Plain, China.

19. Does Historical Coexistence with Dingoes Explain Current Avoidance of Domestic Dogs? Island Bandicoots Are Naïve to Dogs, unlike Their Mainland Counterparts.

20. Role of New Nature Reserve in Assisting Endangered Species Conservation - Case Study of Giant Pandas in the Northern Qionglai Mountains, China.

21. Genetic Basis of Cry1F-Resistance in a Laboratory Selected Asian Corn Borer Strain and Its Cross-Resistance to Other Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins.

22. Molecular Characterization of the ORF3 and S1 Genes of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Non S-INDEL Strains in Seven Regions of China, 2015.

23. Borneol Is a TRPM8 Agonist that Increases Ocular Surface Wetness.

24. Presence of Native Prey Does Not Divert Predation on Exotic Pests by Harmonia axyridis in Its Indigenous Range.

25. Genomic Characterizations of a Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated from Ducks in Live Bird Markets in China.

26. Insights into Sexual Precocity of Female Oriental River Prawn Macrobrachium nipponense through Transcriptome Analysis.

27. An Early Instance of Upper Palaeolithic Personal Ornamentation from China: The Freshwater Shell Bead from Shuidonggou 2.

28. Indications for Three Independent Domestication Events for the Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) and New Insights into the Origin of Tea Germplasm in China and India Revealed by Nuclear Microsatellites.

29. Prevalence of Bovine Mastitis Pathogens in Bulk Tank Milk in China.

30. Effects of Microclimate Condition Changes Due to Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Survivorship of Malaria Vectors in China-Myanmar Border Region.

31. Dual Effect of Phenolic Nectar on Three Floral Visitors of Elsholtzia rugulosa (Lamiaceae) in SW China.

32. The Distribution and Host Shifts of Cotton-Melon Aphids in Northern China.

33. On the Ecology and Conservation of Sericinus montelus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) – Its Threats in Xiaolongshan Forests Area (China).

34. Earliest “Domestic” Cats in China Identified as Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis).

35. Asian Elephants in China: Estimating Population Size and Evaluating Habitat Suitability.

36. Mosquito Surveillance Revealed Lagged Effects of Mosquito Abundance on Mosquito-Borne Disease Transmission: A Retrospective Study in Zhejiang, China.

37. SNP Identification by Transcriptome Sequencing and Candidate Gene-Based Association Analysis for Heat Tolerance in the Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians.

38. Multilocus Sequence Subtyping and Genetic Structure of Cryptosporidium muris and Cryptosporidium andersoni.