Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by the clonal proliferation of small mature lymphocytes with their accumulation in blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and lien. In advanced stages of CLL, the leukemic metastases can occur in skin, pleura and lungs. They are often strictly connected with disease progression and are present with advanced lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly, high leukocytosis 100G/1 with 80-90% lymphocytes in blood smear, anemia Hb <10 g% and thrombocytopenia PLT < 100 G/L. In this article we present two CLL patients with non typical leukemic metastases localization in bulbus oculi, vertebral column (case 1) and in thyroid gland and trachea (case 2), that occurred in hematological stabilization phase of disease during normal lymphocytes number or a little lymphocytosis in peripheral blood and a lack of progression in lymphoid organs.