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1. Late Tripolye Culture Settlement Spatial Pattering: Case study from the Gordineşti II-Stînca goalăsite, Northern Moldova.

2. Unpublished Black-topped Pottery from the Eton-Myers Collection (ECM 844, ECM 1210, ECM 1211, ECM 1225, and ECM 1226).

3. Animalia tantum. The "ritual role" of animals in Middle Bronze Age funerary contexts in the highlands.

4. Celtic 'Guardians' of the Central Polish Section of the Amber Route.

5. Cattle husbandry in the Iron Age and Roman Netherlands: chronological developments and regional differences in cattle frequencies, management, size and shape.

6. Traces of a "new" Metalcraft Specialisation: A unique Late Bronze Age Burial at Karzec Cemetery.

7. Identifying the original function of vessels deposited in Lusatian Urnfield burials: the case of the Czernikowice cemetery (Poland).

8. Opening graves and turtles. The pond turtle (Emys orbicularis L.) from the cemetery of the Wielbark Culture in Czarnówko and the question of post-funeral interferences in the past.

9. Early farming settlement of the marginal zone of loess uplands and its palaeoenvironmental context – a case study of the Iłża Piedmont (S Poland).

10. A gold coin from Jastrzębniki, Kalisz district (PL). On the late Celtic coinage in north-central Europe.

11. Kuyavian bronzes or Stanomin-style dress accessories – studies on the chronology of the early Iron Age in Central Europe.

12. Verifying the chronology of Ukrainian Neolithic.

13. Shamanism at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey. Methodological contributions to an archaeology of belief.

14. Settlement patern of Lusatian culture in Podlasie (NE Poland) and man-environment interaction.

15. Burying the Heros: Identifying the Archaeological Background of the Homeric Burial.

16. Georg ‚Gogo' Müller-Kuales (1905–1945). Ein junger Prähistoriker während des Nationalsozialismus in Hamburg.

17. The girl with finches: a unique post-medieval burial in Tunel Wielki Cave, southern Poland.

18. Die soziale Stratifikation am Ende des Äneolithikums in Mähren.

19. Weniger ist mehr: Glas in der Sântana de Mureş-Černjachov Kultur (Kreis Vaslui/Ostrumänien).

20. Eine ferne Vergangenheit in fernen Landen ... Vergangenheitsbezüge und interkulturelle Kommunikation bei frühmittelalterlichen Bestattungsplätzen mit skandinavischer Prägung im südlichen Ostseeraum.

21. New Perspective on Neolithic Rectangular Features Using Artefact Analysis, Soil Micromorphology and Ethnohistorical Analogies. A Case study from Střelice u Brna, South Moravia, Czech Republic.

22. Ghost Children: Delayed Personhood and Culture-specific Models of Infancy in Western Anatolia.

23. Husby in Glanshammar: cloisonné production, Viking Period silver deposition and memorialisation.

24. The Late Palaeolithic in Toruń Basin in the light of the latest research in Brzoza, Site 50.

25. Gothic migrations: In search of the truth.

26. The tradition of pottery painting in the Upper Silesian-Lesser Polish regional group of the Lusatian culture in the Early Iron Age. The example of the cemetery at Dobrzeń Mały, Opole district.

27. <bold>Pottery as a witness of commercialization: The case of 9th-century ‘Great Moravia’</bold>.

28. Beyond Beauty. Byzantine steatite icon from Chełm. Archaeology, Petrography and Traceology.

29. Noble shape, humble metals. Bronze and silver shield-head and snake-head rings of Roman era Scandinavia.

30. The chaîne opératoire of Korenovo pottery: hybrid ceramics? Analysis of mixed Starčevo and Korenovo ceramic assemblages from Kapelica-Solarevac and Kaniška Iva (Central Croatia).

31. Pottery Production in Mycenaean Laconia: NAA Results from the Palace of Ayios Vasileios.

32. The Liminal Passage: A Final Bronze Age hoard found in Dolany-Nové Sady – "Sádek", District Olomouc (CZ).

33. Reconsidering the Pitted Ware chronology: A temporal fixation of the Scandinavian Neolithic hunters, fishers and gatherers.

34. Elusive Goths in northern Poland: Initial isotopic insights of the pre-Roman and Roman period populations from the Wielbark Culture cemetery in Malbork-Wielbark.

35. A cast ornament with depiction of Alexander the Great from East Denmark.

36. The cult of Iupiter Dolichenus in the Central European Barbaricum?: "Újezd u Rosic – Hlohovec – Berlin-Lichtenberg".

37. Early Bronze Age amber in Slovakia. Chronology, mechanisms of exchange and acceptance of the new raw material.

38. Hoby revisited – 100 Jahre beißende Tierköpfe von Lolland.

39. Aspects of a Bandkeramik settlement near Olteni in Transylvania.

40. The use of statistical models to determine the age of the deceased and the issue of children's graves identified by the models as adult burials. Based on the example of burials of Tarnobrzeg Lusatian Culture.

41. Archäologische Forschungen zur Kindheit am Beispiel der Späten Bronzezeit. Möglichkeiten der Forschung zum prähistorischen Kind mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des urnenfelderzeitlichen Friedhofs von Zuchering-Ost.

42. Textilreste aus einem spätbronzezeitlichen Bergbaurevier bei Radfeld in Nordtirol - Sekundärnutzung von Stoffen zur Abdichtung.

43. The Early Neolithic tell of Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia.

44. New Considerations on the Relationship between Predynastic Spiral-Patterned D-Ware Pottery and Breccia Vessels. The Contribution of an Unpublished Vessel from the Macquarie University History Museum (MU5038).

45. Chronology of the Seima-Turbino bronzes, early Shang Dynasty and Santorini eruption.

46. Macrolithic flint products from inventories of adult male graves of the Lublin-Volhynian culture – prestige goods or everyday use items – by the example of grave No. 2/1987 from site 1C in Gródek, Hrubieszów District (Poland).

47. Five hoards in eighty years. Landscape perspectives on new Bronze Age hoard finds around Lake Mälaren in Sweden.

48. Research methodology of the zolnik (ash hill) at the Scythian cultural circle hillfort in Chotyniec.

49. Settlement layout and social organisation in the mid-6th Millennium BC at Uğurlu on the island of Gökçeada, North-eastern Aegean.

50. The lords of the Amber Road: amber storage, distribution and processing in the early Iron Age and the La Tène period.