
Showing total 115 results
115 results

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1. Italian Community Co-operatives: Structuration of Community Development Processes in Italy.

2. A political economy analysis of changes and continuities in Iran–Africa trade relations: a case of South–South dependency?

3. Statistical significance and scientific misconduct: improving the style of the published research paper.

4. Serving as a referee for your own paper: A dream come true or…?

5. Racial differences in the relationship between the receipt of informal financial support and social insurance.

6. Postal banking and US cash transfer programs: a solution to insufficient financial infrastructure?

7. Communicating identity: how the symbolic meaning of goods creates different market types.

8. The understructure of market production.

9. Security in context (SiC): a novel theoretical and empirical approach to the US–China rivalry.

10. Imagining the future in Irish budgets 1970–2015: a mixed-methods discourse analysis.

11. Financialization and the social economy.

12. Is the Platinum Rule credible? An examination of other-regarding perceptions and attitudes toward unethical behavior.

13. Unpaid housework and super-exploitation of labor: a suggested model and empirical evidence from Mexico and Colombia.

14. Capability listing and functioning achievements of indigenous people of a developing country: testing the moderating effect of the use of ICT.

15. Designing the fiscal-monetary nexus: policy options for the EU.

16. Discrimination as social exclusion.

17. Corporate risk reporting about Brexit as political communication.

18. Crisis, reputation, and the politics of expertise: fictional performativity at the Bank of Italy.

19. Determinants of rising profit rates in India's rural industries.

20. What do capitalists do? Social ownership in alternative market economies.

21. Attribute substitution, earlier-generation economic approaches and behavioural economics.

22. Quality of governance, social capital and corruption: local governance and the Pakistan marketplace.

23. The rise and fall of Electra: emergence and transformation of a global cryptocurrency community.

24. Self-fulfilling crises in the Eurozone and the institutional preconditions of republican sovereignty.

25. The European Union and cross-national solidarity: safeguarding 'togetherness' in hard times.

26. Economics in sociology? Original economic theories, concepts and approaches in classical sociologists.

27. The big cost of big medicine – calculating the rent in private healthcare.

28. Economics and climate justice activism: assessing the financial impact of the fossil fuel divestment movement.

29. Market socialism, labour market domination, and the state as employer of last resort.

30. Universalism vs. particularism: a round trip from sociology to economics.

31. Endogenous peer effects and level of informality: some evidence from micro and small firms in Cameroon.

32. Doing good, feeling good: causal evidence from volunteers.

33. Women, labour market outcomes and religion: evidence from the British labour market.

34. The network of empire and universal capitalism: imperialism and the laws of capitalist competition.

35. How exploiters dominate.

36. Dissecting communities of renewable energy: a comparative investigation in New Aquitaine (France)

37. Choosing pictures at an exhibition: do identity values influence the willingness to pay for art?

38. Can baby bonds address the injustice of racial wealth disparities?

39. Work autonomy and workplace democracy: the polarization of the goods of work autonomy in the two worlds of work.

40. Ownership and control rights in democratic firms – a republican approach.

41. Inequality, macroeconomic performance and political polarization: a panel analysis of 20 advanced democracies.

42. Informed consent and algorithmic discrimination – is giving away your data the new vulnerable?

43. Digital behavioral technology, vulnerability and justice: towards an integrated approach.

44. Social coordination problems in classical and Marxian political economy.

45. Does pollution perception lead to risk avoidance behaviour? A mixed methods analysis.

46. Food insecurity, austerity, and household food production in Greece, 2009–2014.

47. Property-owning democracy, market socialism and workplace democracy.

48. Justice, ethical dispositions, and liberal socialism.

49. Public ownership, worker control, and the labour epistocracy problem.

50. Who cares? Market socialism and social reproduction.