Héctor R. Croxatto, M.D., has recently celebrated his 90th anniversary, fully active in scientific research and in other academic activities. Along his productive life, he has contributed with original observations on the role of certain peptides in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension. Furthermore, he has been a leader in the development of biological research in Chile and the mentor or teacher of several prominent disciples who have had, or are having, their own brilliant careers in medicine and in science in Chile and other Latinamerican countries. Although most of his scientific productivity has been published in top journals in the international field, several of his papers have been published in Revista Médica de Chile. In this issue, the journal pays a tribute to this outstanding scholar, his exceptional personality and fruitful academic career. The tribute includes this Editorial, a Letter to the Editor and its reply, and his most recent manuscript, all testifying the exceptional virtues of a great man.